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princess serenity, hbic. ([info]mikipinku) wrote,
@ 2011-07-22 01:00:00

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Current music:icon credits @ amelias

25 flavors . amelia bones

amelia s. bones;

yule ball
best friend
maternal love
first year
brotherly love (ft. ed)

14;     working      

"No, I don't... have... the paperwork... ready yet. You... gave... it to me... just an hour... ago. Exercises... of patience... would be... greatly... encouraged. Amelia Bones... Wizengamot... Administation."

Amelia dictated the note to herself in a frustrated tone, using exaggerated scratches with her quill which were surely going to leave hard impressions upon the parchment. She hoped it did leave impressions, then that toad of a woman would know just how agitated she was. Amelia sent off the memo and then sat back in her chair and grabbed an ink pen off her desk and began to twist and separate the pieces. She twisted them off, then on, then off, then on--and this was really the whole purpose that this ink pen served in being in her office. It was not for work purposes, but as a stress reliever.

Dolores' incessant bothering was the last thing that she had needed to deal with today. First, she had woken up late and had to get out of the house in a rush just to make it to work on time, then she had been greeted by this monstrous stack of paperwork from Dolores that she was expected to fill out on an upcoming hearing, and really, Amelia had thought if she could just last until lunch, it would be alright--but no. Under said paperwork, she had discovered a small note, left by her husband early that morning, announcing that he was going to be out in the field this afternoon. So, not only did she not get to see him for lunch, but she also got to worry about what 'the field' entailed this time and if he was even going to be home again, because that's what happened in the field, you were fighting and being killed and oh bloody fucking Christ, not the crying again--

Amelia shook her head and leaned forward into her hands as her elbows pushed into the desk and closed her eyes. She took several deep breaths, determined to get herself under control (she was getting good at this lately, at least when it came to knowing when she was overreacting), and thirty seconds later, she had emerged again, eyes red but dry. Alright, she should start on this paperwork now before Dolores threw a fit, and that would keep her mind off of Berk and this was an absolutely horrid day.

She almost didn't have time to finish that last thought as she heard a light tapping on the window behind her. Turning around, Amelia pushed open the sill to let the owl there through, but all but confused as to why an owl was there at all. Anyone who needed to contact her at work sent the memos and---Amelia stopped as she opened the small, brown bag the owl had delivered. As her eyes ran over its contents, it was like a sudden wave had come and washed away everything that she had just proclaimed horrible about the day. The sides of her lips tugged upwards into a wide smile as her hand reached in and lifted out a single piece of parchment with a heart drawn in the middle, sitting atop a neatly packed lunch.

Alright, now she could get back to work.

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