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a heart that won't break ([info]miharu) wrote,
@ 2010-12-27 17:02:00

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reverie tcg! (activity+trade log)


12/27/10: Joined!
starter pack: youbelong20, youbelong15, youbelong17, amaretto12, kamui01, masks13, elite12, purity05, pencil, ink
Memory: justforme09, luxpain10
Fortune(m): secretsanta11, hat
Comission: 1 coupon, demonlord09, pencil
Pieces: eternalnight03, undine02
Series (1): krusnik14
Series (2): eternalnight08, lunar12
Series (3): autumn15, neighbor20, mansbestfriend15
Series (4): 1 coupon, godsofdeath18, mombasabattle19, revenge01, ink
Pieces: littlebigplanet10, perfectprince12, phantomsword18, paint
Translator: lastbattles16, phantomsword05
blizzard: secretsanta13, wonderland07
snow ride: holidaycheer11, wonderland16
snowed in: wonderland15, seasonsgreetings20, tree
house 1: angelssing12, congratulations16, magician02, candycane, bell
house 3: holidaycheer20, target12, 1 coupon, hat
house 4: wonderland05, wonderland13, wonderland16, candycane
doubles exchange: wonderland16 for hikari12
snowflake 2 (password): thru
coupon exchange: youbelong03,youbelong07,youbelong19

12/28/10: Black Jack: flamehaze01, midsummerrain05, snowflake
Style: fireflies02, merrowssword01, princess18, brush
Portrait: youreyesonly19, past17, 1 coupon, paint
coupon exchange: youbelong06
Notes: hitsuzen12, carnelian01, ink
Printed: hostclub06, diva17, brush
Vote: eternalsnow13, mirror11, paint
Vote: demonworld03, identity10, angelssing13, ink, bell
Series ID: greatdetective05, autumn01, paint, brush

12/30/10: obtained youbelong11 in a trade
obtained angelssing19, fireflies07 in a trade

12/31/10: Update freebies: complex13, possessed04, dnangel09, wonderland02, secretsanta08, hanakimi01, bond07, demonlord12, crossdresser01, asa04

1/1/11: Series (1): ingorgeous09
Series (3): evoke16, spelvia10, cardcaptor08
Series (4): 1 coupon, autumn13, happiness07, chase01, paint

1/3/11: Black Jack: dreamer20, macanu20, bell
Fortune(s): miasma01, bluerogues17
Memory: holysword11, epitaph05
House 5: secretsanta04, wonderland11, ink, snowflake, snowflake

1/7/11: Pieces: fullmoon07, amestris17, seraisland18, pencil
Lottery: fuhgeddaboutit02
Notes: sylvarant08, neighbor07, rune02, crystalrose16, brush
Portrait: pursuit02, meisterintraining09, 1 coupon, brush

1/8/11: New Decks: chibitalia20, winter12, mafia16, shinsengumi, kurogane17, fullblossom13, peacemaker11, puzzlepieces09, archnemesis07, betrayalorescape08


12/29/10: traded my secretsanta11, secretsanta13, lunar12, wonderland05, wonderland15 for Pshaman's youbelong02, youbelong04, youbelong05, fireflies20, revolution17
12/30/10: traded my autumn15 for Ralene's youbelong11
traded my wonderland07, wonderland13 for Pshaman's angelssing19, fireflies07
1/1/11: traded my merrowssword01 for Umi's megami06
traded my possessed04 and dnangel09 for Jayme's youbelong14 and fireflies03
1/8/11: my target12 for Fumei's megami14 + artist cards

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