[Private to Leon]
You made the statement and posted the video and you're actually startled by responses like that?
The act of an individual is not necessarily the act of a group, you know. People get angry, hurt, frustrated, and they sometimes take it out on the person who made them feel that way.
If you think that being gay is a choice, then you need to think again and maybe do a little research. You're born gay. Just like you're born a leftie, or with webbed feet, or a good singer, or dark skinned. It's who you are, not some decision. After all you've just said, do you really think that someone would willingly choose this lifestyle? Risk suicide, ridicule, beatings, death, being disowned, estranged from people who don't understand, torture, just to live a certain way by choice? Where are you getting your information, Leon?
You are born, created, you enter this world, with your sexuality as a part of you already. It. Is. NOT. A. Choice. Anyone who tells you different is lying to you.
Talk or not, the offer is still there. All knowledge is worth having, and maybe we could learn something if we talked. Or not. The choice is yours. You know where my room is.
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