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Karin ([info]might_badtouch) wrote,
@ 2009-09-10 19:48:00

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Entry tags:bandwagon, meme, ooc, open forever

Bandwagon bandwagon bandwagon.

You know the drill. Any questions on Karin, why its my headcanon her toenails are painted lime green all the time, what exactly she did to the first guy that called her a skank, how many times she's stalked someone until they threatened to get a restraining order...

Post open FOREVER. lkfndsf

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2009-09-12 01:58 am UTC (link)
She likes him. Not enough to think him jumpable yet, but she's definitely going to go out of her way to meet him at the karaoke bar. Part of why she likes him is because he was one of the few people that didn't go out of his way to really piss her off, and part of it was that he actually came off as a kind of cool guy. She might even excuse if he's not her ideal "type" and enjoy his company regardless, somehow.

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2009-09-12 10:06 am UTC (link)

It's just kind of funny because I really can't see them getting along at all in canon. But in this type of AU they might even be... dare I say it... friends.

He can ignore the fact that she's in love with Sauce-creep if that does indeed happen. Because Sasuke is gross. Stay away from him. :(

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2009-09-19 07:53 pm UTC (link)
late late late

I don't see them getting on in canon at all, ever. But this AU is so working for them.

Wanting to fuck is soooo different from loving, okay?

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2009-09-20 02:36 am UTC (link)

And lol he knows this very well already.

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2009-09-20 05:09 am UTC (link)
And because he knows is exaaaactly why she can get on with him so well (among other things, of course ♥)

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