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Karin ([info]might_badtouch) wrote,
@ 2009-09-10 19:48:00

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Entry tags:bandwagon, meme, ooc, open forever

Bandwagon bandwagon bandwagon.

You know the drill. Any questions on Karin, why its my headcanon her toenails are painted lime green all the time, what exactly she did to the first guy that called her a skank, how many times she's stalked someone until they threatened to get a restraining order...

Post open FOREVER. lkfndsf

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2009-09-11 01:43 am UTC (link)
I would ask about her thoughts on Tenten but... I don't even think they've met, so...

1. Fondest memory to date.

2. One possible secret Karin may or may not be hiding

3. Greatest fears and/or insecurities?

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2009-09-11 02:58 am UTC (link)
3. Karin kind of worries that she's actually never going to recover from her recklessness that made her start failing in classes. And then, you know, she'd have to go back to her dad for money, and that sort of loss of independence would be such a kick in the shins, man.

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2009-09-11 03:07 am UTC (link)
Oh, totally, dude.

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2009-09-11 03:16 am UTC (link)
2. Karin may or may not be a little bit homesick. Just a little. It - it's only natural for someone who dropped everything in her life and knows no one to kind of feel out of whack. It's not real homesickness or anything, anyway. Hmph.

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2009-09-11 06:58 pm UTC (link)
On a scale of one to ten, RANK ALL THE GUYS SHE KNOWS IN COMM CANON for date-ability, one being a hell no, ten being a fuck yes.

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2009-09-12 02:02 am UTC (link)
Suigetsu: 2. Aaaaasshole #1.
Sasuke: 2. Aaaaasshole #2. (Will change when she's actually seen him.)
Naruto: 7. Kid's got potential (but is he hot?).
Shikamaru: 4. Better than the first two , but still an ass.
Neji: 5. He inquired about hair products. That's a plus.

She only knows the names of the first three.

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2009-09-12 02:02 am UTC (link)
Btw. For Karin dateability means fuckability. :|

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2009-09-12 05:04 am UTC (link)
...I had a feeling it did. ♥

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2009-09-12 06:11 am UTC (link)
I - I'M STILL STRUGGLING WITH GETTING HER TO FESS UP A FOND MEMORY, THOUGH. She's like "fuck fondnesss. I gave up that shit years ago". :|

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2009-09-12 06:18 am UTC (link)
...If she were any other way, she wouldn't be Karin.

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2009-09-12 06:53 am UTC (link)
You speak the truth, bb.

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2009-09-12 06:58 am UTC (link)

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2009-09-18 01:06 pm UTC (link)
When she gets angry, frustrated, etc, or just feels like being alone, what is the one place Karin would go to get away from it all? Why? What is the significance of this special place?

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2009-09-19 07:51 pm UTC (link)
When Karin was younger, she'd go into the backyard and climb a tree - high, with a book in hand. It was as far away as she was going to get without her scooter or bike, and fathers permission, so it was nice for her.

When she was back at home, Karin used to go to parties to "get away", not from people so much as thinking about whatever pissed her off. There was booze, there were hot guys, she was popular -- she snagged someone, disappeared to a room, and all was well enough.

Right now, she hasn't discovered that place. Her apartment isn't a place she can relax, with her neighbours, she's busy at school and theres too many people in the library (and she's always had a weird skill for telling when there were other people around, even if she's hiding away in the back corner and everyone else is silent. not genuinely being alone bugs her). Its really frustrating to her, and she might start getting increasingly violent to take that out on whoever rubs her wrong.

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2009-09-19 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Her most valuable possession. What is it? Why is it so cherished? Where did it come from (if it is an object at all)? I'd like to know the story behind it.

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