Vyers, The Dark Adonis - )001( Friends Only

Mar. 16th, 2008

11:24 am - )001( Friends Only

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Current Mood: [mood icon] cheerful
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Date:March 20th, 2008 09:43 pm (UTC)
This is just an offer, feel free to decline it, I won't mind. As you can probably tell the layouts and icons and ect. on [info]flonne, [info]etna and [info]laharl were all made by myself. If you'd like I'd be more then willing to make you a layout and such for [info]midboss. And if you didn't like it in the end either, well, then feel free to tell me so and you can either not use it or I can try again. But again, this is just an offer. Just give me an answer when you can. ^_^;

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