OOC Info:- Player Name: What would you like us to call you?
- Player Email: Plus a backup email address, if you wish
- Other player contact: AIM/Y!/MSN/etc
- Player age: In case of adult-oriented threads.
IC Info:
- Character Name:
- Character Journal Username:
- Age and physical description:
- Former Deity Name and Pantheon: If applicable.
- Personality: Likes, dislikes, how they seem to others, how they really feel on the inside, quirks, etc.
- History: Of the mortal character, not the deity that might be housed within.
- Strengths: Typical talents or any powers that have manifested and any that you think may manifest in the near future.
- Weaknesses: Might be a drawback to an ability they have. Might be a neuroticism. Things that make them human.
- General Deity History: If applicable. Give us an idea of what myths you're using as a basis and something about the deity in question. What were they like? What were they associated with? Who were they related to?
- Played By: Who do you plan on using in their icons? Also: which icon would you like us to use on the Cast List page?
- Other Pertinent Info As Needed: Anything you can think of that might be relevant to your character that hasn't been covered.
- Role-playing Sample:Third person, preferably past tense, should have both narrative and dialogue. Better if it's written for the character you're applying with.
- How'd You Find Us?:For curiosity's sake.
If you'd like, here is the HTML of the application:
You may also want to go here to friend all the accounts currently associated with the game.
Thanks! :)