October 6th, 2011
07:03 am - [00.3 seriously tho?] I come back to this shit every Halloween. ?
The internet just ate my line. xD
It's a kind f a rebirth , you now? No O. Too muck space, k?
I love that this won't nake sennnnce- now you're just doing it on per-pose.
This world is full of inside jokes only for me.
[hooray.no delete] [/*.*]
*lol**adjustsnerdlassses* n, no no glass)ses.
...I'm going to explode.
Please and thank you for thiiii. *fades to hiss*
March 11th, 2011
10:35 pm - TPM Team Rocket Member List Leader: _Dandi_ ()
March 31st, 2010
08:45 am Sometimes people are passionate to just live.
Sometimes little things remind you that things are hard-
or how lucky you are.
It's hard when it's the morning and your day already combines all three.
Sometimes it's also hard to spell sometimes.
Only sometimes... ;)
March 7th, 2010
05:57 am - oh, and? I think it's time for acid again.
05:47 am - 1... 2... 3.... 4.... ...and do I hear a five?
I do. ♥
ketsarku mozgalom my loves.
05:28 am - [version 2.15] ....I can plug into Vida.
...everybody's happy and I feel at home.
04:49 am - ...why does everything feel like ______? ~Sweet dreams... I want to sing to you my love. I am again down like the white walls sick with age. I am not a victim.
Oh, these things I've spoken.
Like 'wishing.for.lightning'...
Still hasn't happened.
[oh... so sad.]
December 6th, 2009
06:58 am I want to live a double-life.
August 1st, 2009
03:16 am - ? GOD I LOVE UBERDRUCK!!
July 28th, 2009
11:48 am - IIII Fuck everything else ladyfriend. Things aren't as bad as you keep making them out to be.
Chill out. ♥
04:23 am - zero three I'm painfully itchy. It's hot and sticky and I don't understand why life is determined to make me so goddamn uncomfortable.
Things aren't... fun. Anymore. Hmph. As if that sums it up. I'm trying to see the good in all of this but everything keeps = 'greater-or-equal to' progression of shit. I'm trying to be an optimist. "there is nothing left."
I should be feeling wonderful and I keep feeling muddy or boneless or something. Not even the good kinds. Are there good kinds? Heh.
Chores? No. Hm. Tasks? NO? Double hmmm. What's fun again anyway? Isn't this supposed to be an adventure? It's really not that bad but it's boring and overwhelming all at the same time and I just can't seem to get a break. (Well, in both the recuperative sense and the lady-luck kind.)
I should be more thankful. I can't sleep. Doors are open. I would appreciate some quiet. I never realized someone could feel so lonely in such a loud place. It's like a white noise cocoon that isn't comfortable but who wants to go outside anyway?
Don't answer that. xD
May 14th, 2009
01:08 am My mother mentioned something about a lack of passion. I know where she's coming from. She's more wise than I'll ever know, even though she doesn't know it.
I think want to leave you.
I'm sick of sitting awake by myself. I'm sick of knowing that I would be the one to fuck up relationships and all of a sudden you're a saint because I got tired of making a ruckus..
...is that all? Is that all I should be praising you for? I think you've been the first functional friend I've ever had. Aside from that, I don't think I love you.
I don't, and it's sad. I want to find something redeeming in you that makes me feel justified being drawn to our relationship and you've just grown dim. You've decided that sleep is more important. I think sleep is your physical metaphor for avoiding me or needing "you" time and by god if you were vocal in your needs for "you" time I'd be more apt to give it to you.
I know because I read your black, paper-bound mind.
I'm vocal. I'm trying. You're quiet. You're giving up. How is this conducive to a functioning relationship?
Sans passion? Pro-liquor budget? This is not love.
This is also sans-drama, pro-inner thought. This is what happens when you leave me to my online bliggity-blogs and expressive devices. It's inner reflection and if you had more of a presence maybe I wouldn't realize how unhappy I am with you, your contrite ways and "wonder"-ness as so lovingly quoted by Vee.
She's often right you know.
[oo1. finally.]
12:40 am - .o8 I hate her sometimes. I hate the way she sleeps. She's like a sloth. I hate the way she lurches around. I hate the way she sends mixed signals. I'm almost sick of it. I'm sick already. I don't need more sick.
She needs a haircut. She's lazy. She's one of the most productive lazy people I know. It's uncharacteristic for a Leo. It really is.
Take what you want and get it.
Well, that says something. I'm left in the dust. Again.
April 28th, 2009
07:19 am - 001. Every night I try to go to sleep, I end up twitching.
Every night I try to go to sleep, I wind up awkwardly putting my arm around a girl.
Every night I try to go to sleep, I never can.
Every night I try to go to sleep, I clutch a doll so close to my chest to keep my heart from pounding out.
...no, this is not because I'm in love.
The time is 7:21 am. The alarm-clock song mimicking some southeast asian ceremony is chiming, chiming, snoozing, chiming. It's a cycle. I like cycles. Diagrams. Explanations. Logic, matter, form.
Lover, there's no such thing as sleeping in if you don't sleep. Lover, there's no such thing as sleeping in if you're alone.
Please don't be jealous. Please don't be sad. The whole time I'm thinking of you. ♥
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