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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote,
@ 2008-04-03 15:24:00

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Ugh. I hate babysitting. Matthew, take me off of your floo network connection, because Milo's decided that he hates me. And anyone else who's bringing a little minion into the world Amelia-- don't bother looking over in this direction. It'll only end up with your spawn dropped off on your desk with a surprise in its diaper waiting for you.

Maybe I'm just bitter that he tore up the research report I've been working on for three weeks. But I think it's just me hating babysitting.

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2008-04-03 09:00 pm UTC (link)
I somehow feel as if this was pointed at me.

By the way, I told him. Finally.

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2008-04-03 09:07 pm UTC (link)
Consider it a fair warning to all you reproducing couples out there.

You did! And did he abandon you?

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2008-04-03 09:14 pm UTC (link)
I shall consider myself warned, then.

Well of course he didn't, Melinda. What a thing to say. :)

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2008-04-03 09:18 pm UTC (link)
Oh, how very silly of me.

Well, that's good then. Babies are good most of the time. I wonder how Dolores is going to take this---though I think you should deny it to her until the baby's graduating Hogwarts. You don't necessarily have to confirm things to anyone that isn't your superior.

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2008-04-03 10:09 pm UTC (link)
That's a sure-fire way to drive her up the wall if I ever heard one! I may just have to do it.

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2008-04-03 11:03 pm UTC (link)
I think there's something in the water. At least 10 of my friends are pregnant.

And I had absolutely nothing to do with it.

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2008-04-03 11:05 pm UTC (link)
That's a lie.

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2008-04-03 11:06 pm UTC (link)
Fine, fine, It's a lie. I've bedded other mens' wives and they now carry my bastard children. I am creating my own quidditch team. "The DragonCats."

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2008-04-04 12:11 am UTC (link)
I bet they'll be pulling in the league cups in a good nineteen years.

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2008-04-04 12:29 am UTC (link)
Puddlemere needs to watch out.

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2008-04-06 02:14 am UTC (link)
AW :( But all babies make accidents!

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2008-04-06 02:16 am UTC (link)
But this one hates me. I swear Erin's brainwashed him to love only her. And you. And all his other aunties but me.

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2008-04-06 04:29 am UTC (link)
Now that is not true, Erin's brainwashed him into hating his uncles too.

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2008-04-06 05:07 am UTC (link)

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