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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote,
@ 2012-12-16 16:14:00

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Marvin is missing.

Kenneth is suspiciously quiet.

I may be putting a very despicable jarvey up for adoption.

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2012-12-17 04:30 pm UTC (link)
Oh. Perhaps Kenneth neglected to tell Marvin they were playing hide-and-seek...

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2012-12-17 06:42 pm UTC (link)

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2012-12-17 06:47 pm UTC (link)
Are you sure? Marvin's got himself an awful lot of toothpicks and Kenneth seems a bit lazy to have the patience to pluck them all out before taking a good bite.

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2012-12-17 06:53 pm UTC (link)
That's true. I've turned the flat upside down and I can't find him! Kenneth just keeps muttering about how 'the stupid prick thought it was a slide.'

I don't know what it could mean! MY POOR LITTLE MARVIN

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