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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote,
@ 2012-11-12 16:11:00

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I would like to wish the most handsome of curse breakers a very happy and non-eventful birthday!

May your next year bring you more gold and less dragon teeth! And snake fangs! AND QUICK SAND!

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2012-11-12 10:48 pm UTC (link)
From your mouth to fate's ears.

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2012-11-12 10:48 pm UTC (link)
Also snake fangs.

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2012-11-12 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Also, thank you.

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2012-11-13 12:52 am UTC (link)

I wish I didn't have a portkey to catch in the morning! Camp life has been quite--mmm interesting.

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2012-11-13 05:57 am UTC (link)
Interesting! Yes, I do suppose that is how I would refer to what happened last night. And again this morning.

And correct me if I am wrong, but very possibly in the middle of the night, as well.

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2012-11-13 11:24 am UTC (link)
AH- Oh, you're quite right. AH- It should probably happen once two-- a few more times before I ship out. To get the full Egyptian experience, you know. AHHH

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2012-11-13 08:18 pm UTC (link)
TRANSPARENCY Don't you go and ruin her!

I like her, she's sweet.

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2012-11-14 04:08 am UTC (link)
Ruin! I would never.

You wound me. I'm sweet, too!

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2012-11-14 04:44 am UTC (link)

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2012-11-12 11:57 pm UTC (link)

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2012-11-13 12:55 am UTC (link)

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2012-11-13 01:36 am UTC (link)
How many eye patches do you think one person can own?

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2012-11-13 05:54 am UTC (link)
Never enough.

And watch who you're calling old, Whitby, you're next!

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2012-11-13 11:31 am UTC (link)
You should try wearing them all at once and see how far you get.

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2012-11-14 04:08 am UTC (link)
I am a master of my surroundings.

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2012-11-13 08:12 pm UTC (link)
I am the pure essence of youth! Twenty-eight years young over here.

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2012-11-14 04:09 am UTC (link)
When you turn twenty-nine years ancient, I and the other old fogies will gleefully welcome you.

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2012-11-14 04:14 am UTC (link)
Who are these other fogies? Would they appreciate you calling them that?

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2012-11-14 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Meanwhile, I will stay a blissfully youthful 28 until July next year. Hah!

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