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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote,
@ 2012-09-18 02:55:00

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I bet none of YOU LOT got chased down by a dragon today! A big one, too!

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2012-09-18 03:52 am UTC (link)

It chased you?!

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2012-09-18 03:52 am UTC (link)
Hell yes! Straight into a cave. Nasty bugger!

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2012-09-18 03:56 am UTC (link)
WHAT that's brilliant insane!

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2012-09-18 03:58 am UTC (link)
It was! And brilliant! Glad they got him back, though, it could've been a right mess.

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2012-09-18 04:00 am UTC (link)
Oh yeah a terrible mess, don't want that do we.

BUT TELL ME MORE What else happened!

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2012-09-18 04:06 am UTC (link)
Well! I was doing some tracking and found the dragon, but then there were some spells fired that startled it, and then obviously it began to chase us and with some quick maneuvering we managed to hide out in a cave for a bit!

The escape is much more interesting, I'll have to tell you in person!

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2012-09-18 04:18 am UTC (link)

Yes! Definitely! Brilliant! That's amazing!

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