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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote,
@ 2012-04-27 23:58:00

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I am just so tired of EVERYTHING

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2012-04-28 01:12 am UTC (link)
All that running from angry, poked animals, is it?

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2012-04-28 01:14 am UTC (link)
How could I ever get tired of that? No,, no, it's just life in general that is exhausting.

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2012-04-28 01:37 am UTC (link)
Careful, Nora, your old age is showing!

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2012-04-28 01:39 am UTC (link)
I am only a year older than you and your little crew! Respect your elders, Pepper!

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2012-04-28 01:41 am UTC (link)
I am filled with nothing but respect, rest assured! I'm even having your cane inscribed, as a sign of both affection and reverence.

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2012-04-28 01:47 am UTC (link)
I'm teaching Kenneth some new phrases to sling at you for when that cane is presented to me.

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2012-04-28 01:54 am UTC (link)
You know, it must be a sign of our friendship that I can recognize that as the expression of gratitude I know you'll mean it as.

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2012-04-28 02:17 am UTC (link)
He saves his best for the best, I will admit that.

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2012-04-29 12:53 am UTC (link)
Sounds like someone needs a vacation.

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2012-04-29 01:01 am UTC (link)
A holiday wouldn't help this kind of tired.

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2012-04-29 01:06 am UTC (link)
That is unfortunate.

What could fix this sort of tired, hypothetically, in case someone was willing to try?

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2012-04-29 11:57 am UTC (link)
A chimaera or two, I think.

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2012-04-29 02:47 pm UTC (link)
Damn, I'm clean out of Chimaeras. All I have to offer is a rather grumpy garden gnome that has been terrorizing my garden.

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2012-04-29 12:55 am UTC (link)
:( What is wrong?

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2012-04-29 01:02 am UTC (link)
I AM BORED WITH-- I am just whining! Whine whine whine.

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2012-04-29 01:15 am UTC (link)
Ohhh, well when you are done with that, would you like to go out for drinks?

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2012-04-29 11:58 am UTC (link)
Drinks I could do.

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2012-04-30 01:30 am UTC (link)
Is taking naps during the day a bit of inappropriate step to take? I have been seriously considering this idea...

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2012-04-30 01:50 am UTC (link)
I WILL NAP WITH YOU Doesn't seem like a terrible one! Then you could get more done later in the day, I suppose.

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2012-04-30 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Or will it just put me in a state where I constantly want to sleep?

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