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Yep It's Tuesday! [26 Feb 2008|10:47am]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | Ill Nino ]

 Myspace Comment: Tuesday 11
So yep it's Tuesday.Which means 3 more days of school. Oh joy. It's crappy and snowy out and guess where I I want a SNOW DAY! I hate snow it needs to either quit all together or cause a dang snow day already!! We have only had one, it's not like we NEED to go to school. We still have a few to use...SO WHY DON"T WE? Well least it'll go away here soon...I hope!

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Yipeeeeeeee!!! [22 Feb 2008|11:12am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Blink 182-Small things ]

   So yea it's Friday! Yea Friday! I have been so fricken busy lately. I had my first doctor's appt. on Wednesday. So we found everything we pretty much already knew. I'm pregnant, baby's fine, I'm fine. It's all I  get my sonogram this coming Wednesday @ noon. I'll have a definate due date. As of now it's May 31st/June 1st. WE will then know boy or girl! Yipppeee!newbaby22 AND newbaby6

                                     AWAITING A....

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[29 Jan 2008|11:00am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | only that in my head ]

Boo-yea tomorrow's my b-day! I turn 17, go me! I get to have cake and more importantly ice cream. Ice cream is only the most important food group ever. It's going be chocolate chip cookie dough, one of the best ice creams ever!! Schwan's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Go ice cream!! ;-)

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I'm Happy As Can Be! [18 Jan 2008|02:36pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | None Yet! ]

 It's the last day of the first semester! Oh Hell Yea! Next week is totally free! No work, no boring classes, and of course...SLEEPING IN! It's all good. I passed everything so that means a whole hell of a lot of chillaxing for me! What's wrong with that? Nuttin'. Only 4 minutes of school left and then it's vaca time. So off to have some fun I go!!!!!!

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