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α м ([info]mattias) wrote,
@ 2011-07-18 00:33:00

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[NOAH] Do you think lighting myself on fire that will change Odette's opinions enough to get her to meet me in public? [/NOAH]

[Maggie] Let's go out to dinner tonight? [/MAGGIE]

[CARYS] So I couldn't help be notice you haven't been kicking anyone lately-- this surely can't be because you've been happy about life or some silly nonsense like that. [/CARYS]

Woe is the teasing nature of preseason. Can't we just start already? This heat wave will just add a new element of the game.

EDIT: [GEOFFREY] Hey! So-- I don't appreciate you making my Maggie upset about-- anything! Especially about her poster in that new Quidditch mag. I know she's your sister, but she doesn't need someone telling her she doing something wrong so close before the season starts. It's just--- not cool. So--- so if you have anything else to say like that, then you better say it to me because that's who you're going to be dealing with from now on when you do. [GEOFFREY]

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2011-07-18 02:22 am UTC (link)
I never kick! I punch!

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2011-07-18 02:29 am UTC (link)
Either way there have been no flying limbs aiming to kill on the pitch. I'm just too curious. What could possibly make Carys Llewellyns refrain from doing this?

Have you found a new pizza place?

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2011-07-18 02:37 am UTC (link)
I HAVE! They've got styles from all over the world, and I'm trying to figure out if I like New York over Chicago because New York slices you eat with your hands and then Chicago deep dish is like a FORK AND KNIFE kind of ordeal that I'm unsure if I appreciate.

And I've been having A LOT of sex!

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2011-07-18 02:47 am UTC (link)
Woooooww, I would have totally believed that if I didn't know better from living with you in the same tower through seven years of schooling.

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2011-07-18 02:51 am UTC (link)
So then you should know that I only get like this when I'm shagging like a rabbit, yeah?

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2011-07-19 12:41 am UTC (link)
I just want to congratulate him, that's all. Send him a gift-basket and praise. I like not getting punched.

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2011-07-19 01:00 am UTC (link)
I will let him know how grateful you are!

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2011-07-19 01:11 am UTC (link)

Okay, fine fine. I know when to stop HAHA I guess you will continue to be able to talk to it about no one.

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2011-07-19 01:15 am UTC (link)
I just don't want you getting jealous, dear!

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2011-07-19 01:26 am UTC (link)
That's true. I am the jealous type.

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