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α м ([info]mattias) wrote,
@ 2011-03-03 21:17:00

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Tomorrow needs to be Sunday instead of Friday!

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2011-03-04 05:59 am UTC (link)
That has nothing to do with--- what the fuck! You know what, fine fine. Have fun wallowing somewhere else tonight because you sure as hell aren't staying home!

Actually, you know what, that's probably better. Misery loves company. You can go out and make some equally miserable new friends.

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2011-03-04 06:01 am UTC (link)
Out of your mind, you are, bloody insane.

Go Falcons, I'll root for my brother this weekend.

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2011-03-04 06:07 am UTC (link)
Oh that's really mature Noah, proud of that one are you? Whatever

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