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m a t t i e ❁ ([info]matildas) wrote,
@ 2030-12-07 23:40:00

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the songbird

NAME; Mattie Rose Scarpin
BIRTHDAY; May 7th, 1957
AGE; 28
HEIGHT; 5'6''
EYES; Brown
HAIR; Dark brown
BLOOD; Halfblood
OCCUPATION; Full-time waitress and aspiring musician!

HOME; Liverpool, England
QUIRKS; Is always writing lyrics, the world inspires her~
PHOBIAS; Thunderstorms
STYLE; As if not much thought is involved


BIRTHPLACE; Llandudno, Wales
FIRST SIGN OF MAGIC; Made the piano play a duet with her
BOGGART; Losing her voice
PATRONUS; Nightingale
QUIDDITCH TEAM; Caerphilly Catapults
LANGUAGES; English, Welsh
TALENTS; Can play a variety of instruments (piano being her speciality), lovely voice
ASPIRATIONS; To release a magical music album
PARENTS; Ollin & Lola (nee )
SIBLINGS; Nicola, sister
PETS; Leroy the cat
STATUS; Max Fancourt, dating
BEST FRIEND; Andrea Johnson
FRIENDS; Jeremiah Whitehorn, Orion Sinistra
HOUSE; Hufflepuff, Class of 1975
WAND; 9'', hazel, swishy, unicorn hair
CLUBS; theater club, choir, music

Astronomy; A
Charms; A / A
Herbology; A / A
History of Magic; E / E
Potions; A
Transfiguration; A / A
+ + Care of Magical Creatures; O / O
+ + Divination; O / O

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1957— Born!

1962— Little sister, Nicola is born!

1963— December; gets her first guitar for Christmas! Love at first strum!

1964— September; Parents are both spell developers, and officially announce Scarpin's Revelaspell, a technique for analysing the ingredients of a potion. This changes the family's wealth and status in society, as the Revelaspell changes potion making in an extreme way.

1968— September; Mattie heads to Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff, and the distance she and Nicola already have with each other grows.

1973— September; Nicola begins Hogwarts career and is Sorted into Slytherin. Mattie feels like the embarrassing, Hufflepuff sister a lot of the time

1975— June; Graduates from Hogwarts, and accepts the offer into the Experimental Charms department that her parents' had secured for her, even though she wants to pursue her music.

1980— August; Death Eater caused earthquake hits Diagon Alley. Mattie is caught in the Ministry and rescued during the night by aurors. Decides then to quit her job and go after her dream of being a musical artist. Parents extremely disappointed in her decision and the relationship has been strained ever since.

1984— Mattie is waitressing in muggle London, working the music scene there. Has a few cassette mixed tapes she's put together and sells. She enjoys her quiet life, but feels a longing to get back into the magical society. Mostly because she misses Nicola, as it's usually only the holidays and special events when the sisters see each other.

1985— Begins to make some wizarding musical appearances. First big gig at Chudley Pitch! Woop woop!
Let the Rain ; Sara Bareilles
All Too Well ; Taylor Swift


PB; Crystal Reed
LAYOUT; based on supersuits
THREADS; @ valesco
PROMPTS; cdj prompts

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