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Rachel Summers ([info]marvel_girl) wrote,
@ 2012-01-24 21:17:00

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We have ways of making you talk! (Action, 6)
Back when the cat-people had first come to kidnap Chris... or a time very much like it

So Chris was gone, taken by the Cat-People.  On the other end of things, they'd managed to capture one of them.  Unfortunately, that one wasn't particularly interested in talking.  And he was particularly interested in Rachel.  So she really didn't want to spend any significant amount of time in the same room as him.  But Cerebro wasn't finding Chris.  And they didn't have a lot of options, since she was the only one on-site with telepathic powers.

"Okay, last chance to talk," she said.  "Or we do this the hard way."

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2012-01-27 01:10 pm UTC (link)
"Please stay." He speaks very abruptly, ears still slightly down.

"I don't like being alone..."

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2012-01-27 01:37 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sorry," Rachel said, quietly. "But I need to go. My people need me."

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2012-01-27 07:48 pm UTC (link)
He doesn't reply, but just nods softly, his head hanging down.

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