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Lydia Proudfoot ([info]maneater) wrote,
@ 2007-06-27 14:53:00

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Name: Lydia Elouise Proudfoot
Birthdate: June 26, 1954
Age: 25
Wand: Juniper; 8 3/4 inches, kraken heartstring
Current Location: London, England (although it varies)
Slytherin Alumni
Occupation: Model

Details: If there is anything to be said about Lydia, it's that she is a flirt. She is very much fond of John Mulciber despite all his flaws (no matter how angry at him she appears to be), and will do what she can to protect him from others and from himself. She's terribly jealous of his wife, if only because she's threatened by the fact that she's being replaced. Her photographer, Nathan Tremaine, was at one time her love interest ... but like most of her love interests, it wasn't particularly serious and he seems to have moved on. She's set her sights on Fenrir Greyback (primarily to make John edgy and to prove that she can take care of herself) most recently. Lydia is perfectly capable of being a manipulative bitch, but she's prone to bouts of generosity because she's not terribly good with finances and because she does like to shop, even if it isn't for herself. She isn't close to her family except for her sister - she considers Sarah both her protege (despite the fact that she's a photographer and not a model) and her friend. Amos, his wife and child are people that she also thinks of often, but she rarely does something about those fleeting thoughts.
Favorites: Color - RED.
Day - Saturday, since it's so good for lounging and stretching
Food - Anything exotic
Sport - Ew, sports
Drink - Champagne
Ice Cream - Only the finest cinnamon will do
Season - Fall, since the fashion shows are the keenest styles
Animal - A panther, nice and slinky
Item of Clothing - Any pair of shoes, as long as they're expensive and high

PB: Dita von Teese
Player: Lettie!
Song: Queenie Was a Blonde - Andrew Lippa

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