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Lydia Proudfoot ([info]maneater) wrote,
@ 2008-10-12 20:36:00

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Hmmm hmmm.

I can only say that perhaps I ought to get sick a little more often.

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2008-10-13 04:16 am UTC (link)
You may come in and ask for me anytime. I'll be happy to check everywhere, just in case.

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2008-10-13 04:31 am UTC (link)
You might just have to. A noble sacrifice indeed.

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2008-10-13 05:26 am UTC (link)
I do like to be thorough with my patients, so if there are any aches or pains at all...

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2008-10-13 05:28 am UTC (link)
I will certainly not hesitate to call on you.

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2008-10-13 05:32 am UTC (link)
If there's an emergency, St. Mungo's will be able to provide you with my personal address.

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2008-10-13 05:33 am UTC (link)
How kind of you.

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