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Lydia Proudfoot ([info]maneater) wrote,
@ 2008-08-19 21:14:00

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Going on a trip. I'll return eventually, darlings, don't fret.

[Darren] And you're coming with me. Chop chop. [/Darren]

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2008-08-20 05:43 am UTC (link)
Probably somewhere exotic. Black-out zone for the Ministry.

Some of my ... pets have questionable lineage, if you understand me.

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2008-08-20 05:50 am UTC (link)
Then why are--- That's so thoughtful of you, dear! Though, really, they should be happy that the Ministry is going to these lengths to protect them.

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2008-08-20 05:53 am UTC (link)
Do drop the bullshit, darling. Vapidness is best saved for bottle-blond whores.

My reasons are my own.

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2008-08-20 05:56 am UTC (link)
I can't possibly understand why you would risk yourself for anyone, Lydia Do you love them--whoever--him? John tells me things are going to get much for those that aren't pure like us, I can't imagine what they'd do to anyone who decides to help them!

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2008-08-20 05:59 am UTC (link)
Darling, if I spent my life being afraid of people like John then I would have very little fun. They want control over others because they're scared little boys afraid of competition.

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2008-08-20 06:00 am UTC (link)
I'm not afraid of John!

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2008-08-20 06:01 am UTC (link)
I'm sure you don't have any friends who are anything less than pureblooded that are suffering through this, then?

No, of course not.

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2008-08-20 06:06 am UTC (link)
Of course I don't!

I'm not! He's just an ass

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2008-08-20 06:06 am UTC (link)
Whatever it is you need to tell yourself, darling.

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