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mandalee51's Journal

28th February, 2008. 8:03 pm. Much Needed Update

 yeah i haven't said anything in a while. but not much has been going on. lax started its so weird though we've always just practiced outside but we are inside this whole week. its so gay though bc joe has practice from 3-4:30 and mines 4:30-6 and film til like 7 so ha that leaves no time to hangout especially when he works after. so blah. i can't wait til summer. but i think this season will be fun bc im actually pretty good this year. coach told me i was a great attacker and compliments from him are hard to come by. Im so pissed winter formal got cancelled ill prolly end up taking back all my stuff bc it cost like $75 an i decided to make it a little easier on my parents and just use that to buy part of my prom stuff. ah cant wait to prom. i know i will actually have a great date. great food. an no drama bc everyone gets along. btw I FREAKIN LOVE JOEY!!! :) we are going to OU now and im seriously counting the days til we move in ( August 31) yay. so my mom made chocolate chip cookies and im def going to eat them. mmm

Current mood: energetic.
Current music: none.

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