Picking up from where I left
So i haven't been on here in over a year, but since I never have time this quarter to talk to my best friend Kellie, I figured I could give her some updates while I'm still in school. This year has really been great. It started out really rocky but its turned out to be what I wanted my college experience to be. I've made some really great friends that I'm living with next year, Joe and I are better than ever, although with my friends always wanting to hang out its sometimes hard to balance time, and school work with everything. I've really started to love it here at school and have turned down going home, which I never would have done fall quarter lol. Luckily my friends live in Ohio so we're planning on visiting each of our houses this summer. Tori lives in Pickerington, Clasey lives in Marietta, and then Lindsey, Cleo, and Tyra live in Dayton. Tyra and I are living in a double together next year, but tori, clase, and cleo are living in the same building in a triple. Lindsey is in Delta Zeta so she has to live in their house but hopefully we'll see her often. :) I still have about 35 days left of school and I really cant wait til the summer. I have a job nannying 8-4 on the week days but ill have the weekends free to just be lazy :) Also Kellie and Ali are suppose to visit this summer, which I hope still happens. I haven't seen them in over a year. Ali's family moved to Virginia this year so she's a lot closer than she used to be. I'm actually in the process of trying to eat better, because I really don't have time to work out so I feel like if I start eating right that will translate into me being healthy and slimming down a little bit. I haven't gained the freshman fifteen its more like 7 for me but I know I would feel more comfortable if I could get off the extra weight in time for summer so I can feel more confident in a bathing suit. Well I have a midterm in an hour so I gotta go study...this has been my hardest quarter so far...ugh. hopefully I'll keep this up so I won't have to backtrack so much to keep up. lol.
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