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mandalee51 ([info]mandalee51) wrote,
@ 2008-02-23 07:58:00

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Current location:bedroom.
Current mood: blah
Current music:none. just tv


WOW sick again. not like i didn't have broncitious like three weeks ago now i have laringidous(sp?) i can't even talk it sucks so much. I started to get it on tuesday and had it on my bday which sucked luckily we've only had two days of school this week. The good news is i don't have strep or mono bc if i had mono I wouldn't be able to play lax this year, my senior year which would suck. I don't really have much to say since my life is boring and sickening. but i can't wait til winter formal next weekend. any suggestions for dinner?

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2008-02-25 03:02 am UTC (link)
ooo we have to go somewhere reallllllllllllyyyyy good!!! because we like can't go anywhere for prom really so.. lol

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2008-02-25 07:54 pm UTC (link)
haha too bad its cancelled now. we should just go out to dinner anywyas then go clubbing. did you get a fake id.

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