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the elegant rachel m. corner ([info]malengled) wrote,
@ 2008-10-06 19:30:00

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Well. If anyone had told me I would be entering the world of medicinal magic, just at the beginning of summer, I probably would have jumped at the chance laughed. But as it turns out, I am quite suited to the business of healing people!

I hope you all know what that means. As of yesterday, I am OFFICIALLY a nursing intern! Clearly, I have such wonderful caring potential not even I knew existed! In all honesty, I'm exceedingly grateful for the opportunity, and I look forward to the new working environment.

And I suppose that "wasted Ravenclaw potential" and fuc and HALFBLOOD STATUS were extremely detrimental to my doing something worthwhile in my life. I cannot believe

Thank you for the suggestion, Healer Smethwyck! Without it, I might have continued as your faithful underling forever.

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2008-10-08 06:58 am UTC (link)
I--you're right. It was... incredibly sweet of you, actually. Even if you're completely wrong.

I just think you're completely mistaken. Nothing is going to happen.

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