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the elegant rachel m. corner ([info]malengled) wrote,
@ 2008-10-06 19:30:00

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Well. If anyone had told me I would be entering the world of medicinal magic, just at the beginning of summer, I probably would have jumped at the chance laughed. But as it turns out, I am quite suited to the business of healing people!

I hope you all know what that means. As of yesterday, I am OFFICIALLY a nursing intern! Clearly, I have such wonderful caring potential not even I knew existed! In all honesty, I'm exceedingly grateful for the opportunity, and I look forward to the new working environment.

And I suppose that "wasted Ravenclaw potential" and fuc and HALFBLOOD STATUS were extremely detrimental to my doing something worthwhile in my life. I cannot believe

Thank you for the suggestion, Healer Smethwyck! Without it, I might have continued as your faithful underling forever.

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2008-10-08 06:43 am UTC (link)
Well so what if I am looking out for you!

Socially abused?! He's part of the biggest rocks in all of the Wizarding world! I'd hardly call him socially abused.

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2008-10-08 06:48 am UTC (link)
Well, I mean, it's sweet of you that you want to, incredibly sweet, actually, but I can handle myself, thank you very much!

That Prophet article was incredibly mistaken in what it had to say, Healer Smethwyck, and you know it! He wouldn't dream of doing anything to me!

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2008-10-08 06:52 am UTC (link)
I know you can, but it's not to interject when I see someone of questionable morals ask out my friend!

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2008-10-08 06:58 am UTC (link)
I--you're right. It was... incredibly sweet of you, actually. Even if you're completely wrong.

I just think you're completely mistaken. Nothing is going to happen.

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