the elegant rachel m. corner
01 September 1983 @ 03:44 pm

I must confess, I am thus far finding twenty-four to be an infinitely superior number to twenty-three. not that I can recall any of it--- or twen---
the elegant rachel m. corner
03 January 1983 @ 05:51 pm
Well, how did we ring in the new year?

Oh, you know.

In the usual way. )

I think I'd call 1982 quite a success!
the elegant rachel m. corner
05 October 1980 @ 10:25 pm
Apparently writing in these things is supposed to be beneficial to maintaining mental health and all that rot.

But really, I would find a good turn at Diagon Alley much more therapeutic.
the elegant rachel m. corner
13 March 1980 @ 08:09 pm
I believe the real questions to be asked today are: why aren't you a 1977 Hogwarts graduate, and why haven't you RSPV'd yet?

Inform me if I am mistaken.
the elegant rachel m. corner
08 November 1979 @ 11:59 am

Work has been so stressful, as of late. It isn't as if any of the other events that have been transpiring do anything to lighten the load. Unfortunate and dreadful. Healer Smethwyck I

the elegant rachel m. corner
06 October 1979 @ 07:30 pm
Well. If anyone had told me I would be entering the world of medicinal magic, just at the beginning of summer, I probably would have jumped at the chance laughed. But as it turns out, I am quite suited to the business of healing people!

I hope you all know what that means. As of yesterday, I am OFFICIALLY a nursing intern! Clearly, I have such wonderful caring potential not even I knew existed! In all honesty, I'm exceedingly grateful for the opportunity, and I look forward to the new working environment.

And I suppose that "wasted Ravenclaw potential" and fuc and HALFBLOOD STATUS were extremely detrimental to my doing something worthwhile in my life. I cannot believe

Thank you for the suggestion, Healer Smethwyck! Without it, I might have continued as your faithful underling forever.
the elegant rachel m. corner
23 August 1979 @ 11:05 pm
Guess who had the best twentieth birthday party in the history of soirees?

If you guessed me, you guessed right!

Giada Vance, you are an ANGEL, darling! The best friend I could possibly ask for. I can't thank you and Graeme for the impromptu bash enough, it definitely cheered up my day.

I managed to walk away with some lovely presents, and I've come to the conclusion that I have the most thoughtful friends.

Also, I'm keeping all three of my crowns for souvenirs! I thought I'd be impartial, but the see-through pink one with the marabou feathers is my favorite.
the elegant rachel m. corner
20 August 1979 @ 10:00 pm
You are looking at Healer Assistant Rachel Englewood.

That's right.

I have given up my job at Madame Malkin's to join the short-handed staff at St. Mungo's. I'm growing and helping others, and my new work robes are purple. Which is my favorite color.

I think we should all take a moment to appreciate this growth in my personality.

And it's all thanks to you, Healer Hippocrates Smethwyck! I'm looking to you.
the elegant rachel m. corner
02 February 1979 @ 07:24 pm
Who the hell does he think he is
I can't believe—he should be so lucky that I
What imbecile thinks it would be—acceptable to— Using me to cover for a Muggle girlf—
No one USES Rachel En-- stupid arse THE NERVE
as if he's going to find anybody half so The world is particularly stupid today.