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Malcolm Brown ([info]malcolmite) wrote,
@ 2008-02-09 19:33:00

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and oh god I actually have to cook something. Italian? Not Mexican that's too messy. UGH. Okay, if I'm not saying who or what I'm doing, that's not telling, right?[/ward]

What would be an appropriate cuisine to cook for a first date? Italian? Or what? [/ward]

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2008-02-10 06:02 am UTC (link)
I see, so he's super queer but hasn't come out of the closet yet. Gotcha!

But Italian's good, I'll even pick up some stuff for you, if you want! I'm heading to the grocer's now!

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2008-02-10 06:12 am UTC (link)
I wouldn't say that! He's just not someone who wants...people to know. Plus, you like the mystery of not knowing who he is, you know it. He could be someone who works with you, maybe Psyke set me up with him. He could be the guy buying fruit at the grocers next to you! You'll have a fun time trying to guess.

That would be great, he's coming over Monday, so that means I have to pick an outfit and some wine and do some laundry and fix the couches and stuff. Ugh this place is such a mess.

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2008-02-10 06:17 am UTC (link)
Well that's no fun. But all right, I'll let it slide. But if I find out it goes past two dates and I don't know who it is I will be a very peeved---nah you know I won't be but!

But I will go shopping with you toooooooooooo and cleaaaaaaaaan because I ammmm living vicaaaaaariously throoough youuu.

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2008-02-10 06:58 am UTC (link)
Right now, I want to focus on getting this date. And I can totally tell you about the date, we'll just have to come up with a code name or something.

I'm so excited! And you could be having your own first date if that stupid guy of yours would ask you out. You should really kick him. I would do it for you if you gave me permission.

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2008-02-10 07:01 am UTC (link)
I haven't really done anything to make him think I want a date, so I can't exactly blame him. And he's got a kid! He's busy!

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2008-02-10 07:11 am UTC (link)
Well then you should. I stalked found out where my guy worked and just happened to be there every day. Maybe you need to do something like that. How busy can he be, with a kid? It's not like he's going to rock shows with the baby, is he?

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2008-02-10 07:17 am UTC (link)
He would if his crazy friends would let him.

I dunno! I just feel like I shouldn't. I mean in the grocer's we bumped into each other and he faked like I was his girlfriend and kissed me and then went on like normal business. While I stood there like an idiot talking about how I haven't had sex in ages.

He really is going to want to date me, for sure.

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2008-02-10 07:27 am UTC (link)
Well, maybe you should make friends with one of his friends, and that would give you an in? Or at least some history. Someone he was in school with? What year was he at Hogwarts?

You told him that? Before or after he kissed you? That's got to be a good singal, doesn't it? That he can kiss you? And he did. I would think that's a very good sign.

Maybe he's the kind of bloke that likes to be pursued?

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2008-02-10 07:30 am UTC (link)
He's twenty, but he graduated in '77 so I also feel like I'm a cradle robber or something but he's soooooooooo cute Malcolm, you'll have to come with me when I start my stalking.

He kissed me first because he didn't think I'd care about acting like his girlfriend to scare away some crazy lady that was stalking him around the store. So I don't know how good of a signal that is.

I guess, maybe, but I don't know how to do that without looking completely desperate.

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2008-02-10 07:44 am UTC (link)
Well, don't feel too bad, I'm two years older than you and my guy is a year younger than yours. You are defnitely not a cradle robber. Thanks now I fee

he was a first year when I was a

HM, that is sort of a mixed signal, but also that he trusts you not to be a crazy lady around him? And clearly you weren't stalking him. How long ago was that? Maybe you should bring him groceries. Just talk your way into his flat and make him dinner.

Just be confident but not whiney. You know you're hot, you know he thinks you're hot, play off of that. And make sure the girls are out for viewing.

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