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Jo Kent/Supergirl

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The Adventures of JoJo Kent - Superman Rulez! [17 Feb 2011|11:29am]
(A six-year old Jo Kent has her "first" encounter with  Superman)


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Just Trying to Help (Test Scene B) [08 Feb 2011|09:39pm]
Jo breaks up her seventh mugging of the evening, sprinting out of the alley and along the streets of Metropolis, trying to ease her brother's workload. Jon's been working overtime since Dad died and he's had some other things on his mind, but he wouldn't ask for help, not from her at least.

So Jo Kent is out on the streets as...whoever she's supposed to be, trying to help her big brother one of the few ways she knows how.

She comes home to find that Mom is still sound asleep upstairs and hopes that she beat Jon home, because it wouldn't do any good to have avoided Mom waiting up for her only to have her brother doing the same.
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A lesson in Ethics (Test Scene) [07 Feb 2011|07:15pm]
Jo Kent was not a mean-spirited girl by nature; she was friendly, if a bit sarcastic at times. Dad said she got it from Mom and Mom agreed. Still, she was kind to her friends and it usually took a lot to anger or upset her...unless someone attacked her friends.

Veronica and Violet Poulsen made Jo exceptionally angry.

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Ellen Joanne "Jo" Kent Application [07 Feb 2011|07:11pm]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De

Email: On File 

AIM (if you have one):  On File

Character Name: Ellen Joanne Kent (goes by “Jo”)

Character LJ (if applicable):  maidofmight

Physical description (face, build, weight): Jo is 5'7, 125 lbs. She has her mother's dark hair, but has deep brown eyes that are usually full of mischief.

Age: 15

Birthday:  May 31st

Codename (if using one): Supergirl

PB: (If using one.)  Lucy Hale

Abilities:  Jo possesses the standard Kryptonian Powerset; however, due to her half-human heritage, her power level is on par with Mary Marvel when sharing her abilities, rather than her father or her cousin, Kara. She could probably skip a grade in school, but she's actually trying to fit in and be "normal", rather than get into the life of a super-heroine.

Jo is also very intelligent and inquisitive, as well as a quick learner. Very good with computers.

Weaknesses and flaws: Kryptonite, Red Sun radiation, Magic

Character location/Home:  Metropolis

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent Hero

Team: None at this time

Relatives (living/dead?): Clark Kent (Father, deceased at this time), Lois Lane-Kent (mother, living), Johnathan Kent (older brother, living), Kon-El (cousin, living), Kara Zor-El (cousin, living), General Sam Lane (maternal grandfather), Ellen Lane (maternal grandmother, deceased) Lucy Lane (maternal aunt), Martha Kent (paternal grandmother), Jonathan Kent (paternal grandfather)

Backstory:  Ellen Joanne Kent (only Mom and Dad call her Joanne or even Ellen, and maybe Jon, sometimes) was born to Clark and Lois Kent two years after their first son, Jon was born. Jo was named for both her maternal grandmother. She grew up idolizing both of her parents, but where Jon has always followed their father's example, Jo has always considered herself more human and related to her mother more. As such, Jo is an aspiring journalist and writer, hoping someday to be able to put her owner literary or journalism award on the mantle with those of her parents.

Jo‘s powers are starting to manifest and she's trying to cope with being able to do things her friends and classmates just can't do. She has yet to learn to fly, but she can already run at super-speed, use her super/freeze breath, leap long distances and has been schooled in the use of her X-Ray vision, as her Dad was prepared after what happened with Jon’s first foray into that field. She has yet to access her heat vision, but has noticed that she feels a little odd during certain subjects in school.


Jo knows some of the other heroic kids, but she's usually been too young to hang out with any of them.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Jo is helping out covertly around the world during Blackest Night, to ease the strain on her brother.

What are you planning to do with this character?: Explore being a reluctant hero and what it means to be the daughter of Lois Lane and Superman, as well as the sister of Superboy.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I'd like to see her learn to balance being a heroine as well as a normal girl. I'd also like to see her finish school and decide where she will go from there.


Please include a sample post/scene

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