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User:magickcauldron (19124)
To My Magick Cauldron
Website:My Website
Bio:I like making graphics and glitters even though I'm not all that good at it. I am also working on learning HTML and CSS which is what I'm testing now so excuse my journal entries if they are HTML nuts XD.

I've recently gotten back into knitting, crocheting, and sewing and I might post pictures if I get any projects finished. Also if you enjoy knitting, crocheting, sewing, or looming or anything else you consider crafty join my new community, [info]craft_work.

1)I don't like drama and I will not tolerate it
2 My opinions are just that if you don't like them then don't add me
3)If you try and start drama on my journal you will be kicked immediately without warning
4)Respect my journal and me and I'll do the same for you
5)I know that my graphics and such aren't great so constructive criticism is welcome but don't flat out trash me for it
6)Have Fun and Enjoy
7)If you can't follow any of the rules you will be kicked without warning and will not be added back under any circumstances.

[info]iam the Rogue (X-men/X-men Evolution/Marvel Universe) of Scribbld
[info]iam the Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin) of Scribbld
[info]iam the Abby Sciuto (NCIS) of Scribbld

Mood Themes and Credit:
Vampire Knight--[info]utena
Other Mood Themes(Unless otherwise stated)--

If you need to get of hold of me you can contact me through the following messengers:
MSN/Windows Live--Welcome_to_my_black_parade
ICQ--363225529 or yei_ren

You can also find me over at my RP Journal [info]crescent_wish

phoenix_zalika got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com
Memories4 entries
Interests:67: anime, being drama free, beltane, black cats, bobbins, book of shadows, books, candles, cats, cauldrons, celtic woman, charcoal, crochet hooks, crocheting, crystals, devil may cry, dragons, egyptian, esbats, ff8, free spirit, geodes, goddesses, gods, good friends, good fun, herbs, imbolc, incense, incense burners, knitting, knitting needles, lammas, litha, love, mabon, magick, manga, mortar and pestle, movies, nature, needles, oil diffusers, oils, ostara, pagan, paganism, pentacle, pentagram, reading, sabbats, samhain, sewing machines, smile.dk, stones, thread, titanic, twilight, wicca, wiccan rede, willy wonka, witchcraft, witches hat, wolves, writing, yarn, yule
People15:babylon, crescent_wish, dandi, diaochan, himemiya, jackspicer, kiokushitaka, kisaragi, kogarasumaru, mephiles, shinimegami, spicer, stewardess, tachi_aya, utena
Communities15:bitchbook, craft_work, craftwork, deadletters, flamecup, heart_broken, honorcup, iam, lmaoaim, madeofwin, rants, resourced, savinme, shounenawards, thissideup
Mutual Friends:14: babylon, dandi, diaochan, himemiya, jackspicer, kiokushitaka, kisaragi, kogarasumaru, mephiles, shinimegami, spicer, stewardess, tachi_aya, utena
Also Friend of:2: aurion, rapture
Member of:15: bitchbook, craft_work, craftwork, deadletters, dear_you, flamecup, heart_broken, honorcup, iam, lmaoaim, madeofwin, rants, resourced, savinme, shounenawards
Account type:Early Free User

(more details...)

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