These songs will always be a part of me  
07:08pm 25/08/2010
So following in the footsteps of [info]kiokushitaka and [info]omegatrinity I'm going to be doing the meme.

Day 01: Favourite Song
The Poorboys Express-Song For Mama

After much thought and careful consideration I chose this song. My Uncle Fred wrote this song for his mom, my grandma(no duh, amirite?), and ever since I was little I can always remember my Grandma Monigold requesting the band, my dad and 4 of my uncles aka The Poorboys Express, to play this song for her. Even now as an adult I still request this song for her even though she has been gone for nearly 5 years. I try so hard to not cry when they play it but it is so hard and there are hardly any songs, on a normal non-period emotionally charged day, that can move me to tears like that song can.

Ok so now an actual update. My iPod touch got shipped out today, hoping my laptop will follow tomorrow or the day after, and it should be here by Friday, possibly Saturday.

I got my Cavalier and now I need to ask my brother-in-law if he would be willing to take the cd player out of my black Cavalier and put it in the red one. My red one does have factory cd player in it but for some reason today it decided to be a whore-bitch and stop reading the cd's I've burned. I think if I bribe him with Pumpkin Raisin Cookies he'll do it :)

I put a $200 deposit on my $350 tattoo that I am getting next Tuesday. I go in at 9am, not so happy about that buuuuut... it was the only time available he had that was early in the day that didn't interfere with my classes. It is a pretty big piece and we are going to see how much we can get done in a 3 hour session since my first class starts at 12:50 on Tuesday. Even if we don't get completely done he said that we should be extremely close to being done after the first session. I may just e-mail my teacher and let him know that I'll be late to class due to another issue at hand. I've had this teacher before he'll understand.

Hopefully after the kids go to bed I can get started on making my no-bake cookies for my sister-in-law. Then I need to make Peanut Butter cookies for my brother and then I'll need to get the stuff for Pumpkin Raisin Cookies. So much to do! Next weekend is our annual Labor Day cook-out and we are, supposedly, going to be having a bake sale to raise money to rent out the local Fire Hall for our Christmas Party. So I'm going to be making cookies for that, too.

School starts in 5 days and I'm so stoked! Can't wait to get up at 8am Monday morning and be a t Kent by 9-9:15 for my 9:20-10:35 class. Looking forward to having a life, somewhat.
mood: content content
music: The Poorboys Express--Song For Mama
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