Feeling even better today. Dad, my sister, and I went to Bob Evans for brunch and it was good and I enjoyed spending time with her. I like it when it's just my sister, my dad and I. Only for the simple fact that when we were younger we didn't get to spend any time like that with him; when my brothers were younger, my dad and my brothers would go camping the first week of July, when my dad got a week of vacation, and it was just my sister, mom, and I. Which I did like but up until my mom left us I really didn't know my dad and he and I weren't close at all. It was so awkward trying to comfort him and him trying to comfort me...during the day I'd be gone just because I didn't want to be alone.
I digress.
I got a Country Caesar salad with no bacon, no chicken, and no cheese-still avoiding milk and milk made products for the time being and it was pretty good but I still have this fullness feeling in my stomach and I didn't want to over-eat so I brought almost my entire salad home along with my two biscuits.
I'm keeping it down pretty well. My chest still hurts from all the heaving and hacking up I did, my neck is still a bit sore when I move it a certain way, but other than that feeling pretty good. Keeping my bedroom window cracked just in case I get too hot. I have a History mid-term on Monday but I am just way too damn tired to study for it. Spring Break can't get here fast enough. Seriously. It can't. Unfortunately my Spring Break isn't until March 29th and I go back April 5th. I soooooo need a break now even my dad is noticing that within the past week I've been different.
Being snowed in with 3 screaming brats, who haven't had a full week of school in over a month, takes a toll on a person too. They've either had snow day after snow day, had 2 hour delays and since they are in the morning classes they just end up being canceled anyways, or they've been sick. So my life here has been even more of a living hell. I hate kids. Not all kids. Just the ones I'm forced to live with. I love babies. I know it will be completely different if I ever have my own kids but until that time I don't want to spend my time around anyone else's kids. The more time I spend with them the more I never want to have kids....EVER.
Alright I'm going to go and do something I just don't know what yet. Maybe just relaxing for now. I may head over to my sister's later if my dad decides to head over there.
mood: drained |