I hate my current situation  
11:54am 30/01/2010
Once again it is proven that I can't have anything. Dad and I had bought Cinnamon Brown Sugar Pop-Tarts along with S'mores pop-tarts and he told Crystal to not give the Cinnamon Brown Sugar ones to the kids because I liked them the best and that they were pretty much mine. So she ok. Fuzz on the other never got the memo and gave MY Pop-tarts to those brats. So Now I gotta go buy pop-tarts AND put my name on them so that no one will eat them.

Why can't I have anything? Even if it is just a simple box of Pop-tarts. MY kind of pop-tarts. The kind of pop-tarts no one eats except for when they are told NOT to.

Not too mention I've told them fucking kids to stay out of the kitchen and yet they continue to play in there as if they have never been told to stay out. I swear to fucking god I'm going to be living in my car if shit around here does not change.

I can't handle this anymore. I'M DONE. So until things start changing around here I'm not putting anything into this house unless I buy it for myself or dad or Abby. So I'm NOT buying Laundry detergent, I'm NOT buying food (because when there is actually food in this house no one fucking eats it because all they want to do is eat out and it spoils but yet when there is no food in the house all they do is bitch because there isn't any food), I'm NOT buying paper plates, milk, juice, or anything else for this house.

Not too mention Fuzz got paid yesterday so I figured since he used my car he'd put gas in it since he travels further than I do and after all he said he would. Did he? Fuck no, of course he didn't. So now I have to go put gas in my car which doesn't bother me but since I have to travel the least amount of distance, IE-I use LESS GAS then I shouldn't have to put gas in it when he uses my car more than I do and for longer periods of time.

So here soon I'm off to Wal-mart to pick pop-tarts, a new toothbrush for myself and one for dad, plus toothpaste, and maybe a few things here or there. Maybe some Microsoft points. So that's $20 in my gas tank, $20 for points, and probably $15-$20 for pop-tarts, TP, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.

I hate living here. It is so unbearable. I think living under a bridge overpass would be a million times better than this. I don't even have a place to escape to for long periods of time. School helps during the day but I do have to come home and give up my car like I don't even own it.

I better go or else I may go on a mass murdering rampage and then I'd really hit the national news.

"Young Female Snaps Killing Brother, Sister-In-Law, Nieces and Nephew and Then Herself"

Wonderful title, isn't it?
mood: infuriated infuriated
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