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Martin Baum

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App [19 Nov 2011|11:15pm]

NextGen Application (Canon and OC)

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Sands
AIM (if you have one): sands2279
Character Name: Martin Baum
Character LJ (if applicable): magic_hands
Physical description (face, build, weight): light brown hair, hazel eyes, average build but fit (a certain sorcerer believes one shouldn’t be lazy in any part of one’s studies)
Age: physically 16, mentally 13
Birthday: October 25
PB: (If using one.): Ryan Koning
Astral Projection – one of the few abilities he has good control over and can maintain it even at large distances
Magic Discs- Martin uses these as a platform for teleportation and to allow him to fly while standing on them. Can also be used as protective shields.
Concealment spells- renders Martin and those in direct physical contact with him invisible for a time
Time Manipulation- can freeze objects in time for a few minutes at most, animals and people for shorter amounts of time. The largest objects he can freeze in time are about the size of 2 large bookcases, and he can only stop or slow down a maximum of two people at a time. He usually puts up a seal on the object or person he wishes to effect
If he loses control or the gloves give out, Martin can freeze entire city blocks in time for hours. This has only happened once and the potential side effects mean he is very careful about not losing control again.
Teleportation- uses the discs as a platform for this, and passes through the Dark Dimension as an intermediate whenever teleporting. This is the ability he has the most practice at.
Transmutation- cannot control this very well, so avoids using it. If not focusing when touching things he accidentally uses this.
Telepathy- he’s working on this, but since he’s only interacted with Dr.Strange and other mystics that are adept at it, he hasn’t had much practice.
Telekinesis – limited, can work with things desk sized and smaller.

Weaknesses and flaws:

Martin’s body has become a portal to magic energies, with his hands being the main exits for magic to leak out. Because of this, Dr. Strange has developed and given him gloves that restrict the flow of magic out of him and put layers of sealing spells on top of them. But these gloves can only hold back so much, and if Martin doesn’t concentrate while handling things, the magic leaks out and can lead to unexpected results, mostly transmutations (he’s accidentally turned many of Dr. Strange’s magical books into small animals). Because of this he’s very wary about touching anything, especially people.

Despite appearances, Martin is rather inexperienced and is slower at casting spells than more experience sorcerers. Because of this he can't always get shields up in time or freeze objects in time fast enough to avoid injury. He's a fast learner but his main weakness is lack of experience in using magic in emergency situations in this dimension (the magical realms and demons he can deal with a bit better).

Character location/Home: New York
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Michael Baum (father/deceased), Natalie Baum (mother/deceased)
 At 10, Martin Baum and his family were driving out of New York for holiday when a superhero fight knocks part of a nearby building out. The falling debris causes chaos on the road as people and cars frantically try and get away. As panic erupts Martin’s X-gene manifests and his body develops portals directly to magic sources in other dimensions. The sudden buildup causes the magicks to explode out of him, decimating everything in a block radius, including his parents. The disturbance in magical energies brings Dr. Strange to the scene, who decides that the best way for the boy to learn to adapt to his mutant power and control it is to become his student. Martin goes to live with Dr. Strange and Wong where he starts learning the basics.
 While helping Strange in another magical dimension, his body experienced time faster than his mind. This has caused Martin’s body to age physically to 16 while his mind has remained at 13.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: have him join the Thunderbolts and put in some magic shenanigans
What are you planning to do with this character? attempt to socialize more and get used to using his powers to help people. Practice makes perfect.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Learn not to fear touching people, and to have more control over his magic. Also to learn new spells and improve on old ones.

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