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Calvin : [11 Apr 2012|09:58pm]
I fucking hate space.
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Zimba : [11 Apr 2012|09:57pm]
down is up
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Zalle : [11 Apr 2012|09:55pm]
up is down
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Colleen : [24 Mar 2012|02:24am]
Oh my goodness!!

I want that.
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Devo : [24 Mar 2012|02:22am]
I cannot sleep. Diana is out cold and taking up most of the bed. I'm out on the couch, flipping aimlessly through bullshit channels, with shows that people try to pass off as good.

My head is in a really weird spot right now, but I'm not ready to talk about it. I will eventually. I just can't. I - not now.
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Elliott : [22 Mar 2012|10:10pm]
I really want to get dressed up like a hot dog (mustard squiggle sewn in) and sing LMFAO's 'Hot Dog' and dance around. IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT?!
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Cardiana : [21 Mar 2012|01:10pm]
I suppose I should be a little bit thankful that Devo's not being a total douche bag right now. I give him every reason too and he still makes me hot pockets and gives me hugs before I even know I need them.
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Twigs : [19 Mar 2012|12:35am]
I'm the clouds on your meteor shower picnic. I tinkle on your parades. I am the reason the waves close the ocean for swimming.
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David : [19 Mar 2012|12:35am]
I chickened out.
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Cardiana : [18 Mar 2012|01:21am]
I feel fantastic. I look, like an elephant. Ugh. Why me?
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Colleen : [07 Mar 2012|11:33pm]
Coming home to Calvin is one of the best feelings in the world. I'm gonna miss him so much. I'm going away for the next three nights. Business and such.
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Frank : [06 Mar 2012|04:58pm]
I'm going to tell him. Just walk right up and out it will come. I'm gonna say it. I'm going to do it.
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O-Ma'al gehem : [06 Mar 2012|04:57pm]
Invite us to your next party. We dare you.
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Calvin : [06 Mar 2012|04:53pm]
I feel underaccomplished. And that is an understatement.
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Twigs : [04 Mar 2012|04:29pm]
Chip in your favourite tea cup. I GOT BORED.
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David : [04 Mar 2012|04:27pm]
I'm thinking about furthering my education. And not at this school. I'm going to leave the city. Too much distraction lately. I'm freaking myself out. Frank isn't helping. I've gone mad. To be honest, I'm over school. I don't know what I am going to do. I just need to get away. Permanently.
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Twigs : [07 Feb 2012|10:04pm]
Yup yup yup. I'm the one who spends hours a night tangling your hair into knots. :)
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Frank : [07 Feb 2012|10:03pm]
Shit x two.
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Elliott : [07 Feb 2012|10:02pm]
Um, hi. :)
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Devo : [07 Feb 2012|10:00pm]
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