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m a g n o l i a ([info]maggiepie) wrote,
@ 2029-11-03 16:02:00

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the broken wings

NAME; Magnolia Lisbet Mattias
NEE; Brand
NICKNAME; Maggie, Mags
BIRTHDAY; April 2nd, 1958
AGE; 27
HEIGHT; 5'4''
EYES; Blue
HAIR; Blonde, with a pink streak
BLOOD; Halfblood
OCCUPATION; Chaser for the Tutshill Tornadoes



BIRTHPLACE; Leipzig, Germany
NATIONALITY; English & German
FIRST SIGN OF MAGIC; During a bit of a tantrum at not being allowed to fly with her brother and his friends, knocked all the brooms out of the sky with her shrieks. Ouch.
QUIDDITCH TEAM; Heidelberg Harriers
LANGUAGES; English, German, and can get by in Portuguese much to the dismay of her husband
IDENTIFYING MARKS; Streak of pink hair she's kept from the Tornados' color run.
PARENTS; Rudolph Brand and Gwendolyn Morgan
SIBLINGS; Geoffrey, brother
OTHER; Odette Boot, sister-in-law; Noah Boot, brother-in-law; Terry Boot, nephew; Anna Boot, niece
PETS;Bruno and Dieter, dogs
STATUS; Adrian Mattias m. 4.17.1983
PAST RELATIONSHIPS; Braith Selwyn, Drystan Fawcett, Gabriel Corner
CHILDREN; Josef Gavin (with Braith Selwyn, 7.2.1981), Adeline Elisabete (9.7.1983)
BEST FRIEND; Odette Boot
FRIENDS; Drystan Fawcett, Wendy Midgen, Saoirse Mullet, Sophie Branstone, West Sumpter, Bertha Jorkins, Delilah Spinnet, Octavius Pepper
ENEMIES; Braith Selwyn
HOUSE; Gryffindor, Class of 1976
WAND; willow, 11'' unicorn hair
CLUBS; quidditch, prefect

Astronomy; E
Charms; E / E
Herbology; O / E
History of Magic; E
Potions; E / E
Transfiguration; E / E
+ + Ancient Runes; E / E
+ + Arthimancy; O / E
+ + CoMC; E

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vulputate turpis eget nibh tempor placerat. Praesent placerat ante nec tortor condimentum pulvinar. Nam nec est sed justo ullamcorper elementum. Nunc fermentum rhoncus lacus, sit amet euismod neque lacinia sed. Nulla porttitor lorem in neque gravida consequat. Proin adipiscing dui sit amet dolor laoreet ac venenatis eros scelerisque. Aliquam eros magna, ultrices sed tempor at, scelerisque sed urna. Quisque sit amet lectus sit amet arcu condimentum tincidunt.
1958— Born!

1969— Starts Hogwarts!

1976— Graduates Hogwarts! Joins the Montrose Magpies as a Chaser.

1980— Winter; Begins dating Braith Selwyn, finds herself pregnant with his son.

1981— July; During dinner at Braith's flat, aurors arrive to arrest him as a death eater. This sends Maggie into early labor, son Josef is born.

1981— Summer; Braith's mind is completely wiped and twisted; he is no longer the gentle soul Maggie was beginning to fall in love with, but is now a foul death eater who wants no part of her and Josef's life.

1981— Summer; To hide the dramatics of her personal life, Maggie uses Adrian Mattias as a cover for who the real father of her baby is. Seeing this as a good publicity stunt, Adrian agrees to the lies.

1981— Winter; Maggie and Adrian begin a real relationship.

1982— February; Magpies win the Cup

1982— Spring; Maggie is traded to the Tutshill Tornados.

1982— July; Engaged to Adrian.

1983— January; Maggie has still not revealed to Adrian who Josef's real father is, and on the morning of their wedding Braith leaves photographs and evidence at Adrian's door. Stunned by this, Adrian walks out on the wedding.

1983— February; Adrian and Maggie work slowly to come back together, she reveals that she's pregnant.

1983— April; Maggie and Adrian are married secretly in Portugal.

1983— September; Maggie goes into labor at Axe Brookstanton's birthday party, daughter Adeline is born.

1984— January; European Cup in Istanbul. Maggie plays for Germany, but they are knocked out in the first round.

1984— Summer; brother Geoffrey is found guilty of putting bets on matches and attempting to throw them; he goes into hiding. Maggie deals with the ramifications.
1985— March; World Cup in New York. Germany votes Geoffrey as their captain and Maggie is pissed. The team is once again knocked out in the first round.

1985— June; Finds out she is pregnant once again.
Shake it Out by Florence + the Machine


PB; Dianna Agron
LAYOUT; based on supersuits
THREADS; @ valesco
PROMPTS; cdj prompts

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