Iris Conway-Madley

Recent Entries

6/29/08 07:41 pm - douze

I want my bloody letter to get here already

Summer is brill. I'm rather glad for the time off, I think I did well enough on my exams to deserve the break. Studied my arse off for Transfiguration.

I hope that everyone else is having a good vacation. Maybe a Gryffindor get together before the end of the summer, just as a celebration of summer and the break and such.

5/29/08 03:40 am - onze

Private )

Who's ready for final exams? I know I'm not

5/19/08 03:18 pm - dix

Seventeen doesn't really feel any different than sixteen.

5/1/08 02:41 pm - neuf

[Da] Please...please tell me that you're alright? I'm...I need to know that you're okay, so. [/Da]

4/20/08 05:45 pm - huit

It was so nice out today, I ended up going out and doing some watercolors. Better than sitting up in a stuffy castle, I say. McGonagall finally got around to getting me a replacement tutor. I'm sure that Ashlyn's going to do a better job than Crouch did. Since the likelihood of her being a right prat is essentially slim to none.

[Da] Is it normal for someone to still not...

My sleep patterns are still out of sorts. And I think I'm starting to get to my roommates with all of the screaming insomnia. [/Da]

4/5/08 04:38 pm - sept

[Da] Still haven't slept much
Did you find anything out or

Any word yet? know.
Also, are you going to be coming to the play? I don't have a particularly large part, but I've put a lot of work into the sets and I'd like to show off my hard work. [/Da]

Oi, there's still so much left to do for sets. If anyone is feeling nostalgic and cares for some coloring inside the lines a la childhood, there will be set painting after dinner for the musical's backdrops. As long as you're not cack-handed the help would be greatly appreciated.

4/1/08 09:42 am - six

It's strange, being back at school so late. But I should be back up to speed in classes by the end of the week. So that's decent.

Da, I didn't sleep last
My brain won't calm down...I'm always jumpy and

Since I never got a chance to talk about Easter hols, I can do that now. We went out to the coast and it was lovely. Stayed a few days, just relaxed and everything. Then we went back to the house and spent the rest of my time there. Please don't ask me about what happened on the train, please

3/9/08 02:02 pm - cinq

I'm so ready to go home for Easter holiday (yes Da, this is my note to you saying that I will be home for the week. Don't you just love communication?). Just a few exams and then we'll be good to go! It will all be a breeze, I have no doubt. I'm just ready to be back in my own room again.

Crouch, I'm assuming that we'll be meeting tonight to go over things for Transfiguration?

2/17/08 07:47 pm - quatre

My Da decided that the Hitwizards assigned to Hogsmeade weren't good enough. I'm sorry if we had plans for the day or whatever and I didn't show up because my Da is the worst Da in the whole entire world

Private )

2/10/08 04:10 pm - trois

My Da is provisionally allowing me to attend Hogsmeade, so long as the hitwizards who are assigned are ones he approves of (somehow I think he will use this one to take away my permission at the last minute) and that I give him a list of friends that I'm going to be with. So, I usually would ask for this later, but it's been very busy lately and I'd like to get this to him as soon as possible.

Any takers on going as a group for Hogsmeade?

[Jamie] Did you still want to meet up to discuss art and such? Hogsmeade weekend on the 16th. [/Jamie]

1/23/08 11:15 pm - deux

Private )

[Corner] Da...Do you think I'm cut out to be an auror?[/Corner]

I need a pick me up.

1/14/08 02:27 pm - un

[Private to Miranda] Hey, er--are you yelling for any particular reason? I was going to walk over and ask you, but you look erm, a bit tense right now. really really tense and angry and like if i were to go and talk to you you would jump up and bite my entire HEAD off

Anyways, sets. Do you want me to put a little work in this afternoon? I don't mind, and I need something for my hands to do to distract me from the tenseness of the common room so I can get my mind off classes...[/Private]

I need a distraction. Like ice cream, or chocolate, or...something less fattening. Who else is up for a distraction!

1/14/08 09:01 am - zéro

[info]valesco. Friends Only.
and i think my brush could take me there )
but only if i were a painter

12/2/07 02:57 am - she said i was seven and you were nine...

[info]valesco only.

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