Iris Conway-Madley

January 14th, 2008

09:01 am - zéro

[info]valesco. Friends Only.
and i think my brush could take me there )
but only if i were a painter

02:27 pm - un

[Private to Miranda] Hey, er--are you yelling for any particular reason? I was going to walk over and ask you, but you look erm, a bit tense right now. really really tense and angry and like if i were to go and talk to you you would jump up and bite my entire HEAD off

Anyways, sets. Do you want me to put a little work in this afternoon? I don't mind, and I need something for my hands to do to distract me from the tenseness of the common room so I can get my mind off classes...[/Private]

I need a distraction. Like ice cream, or chocolate, or...something less fattening. Who else is up for a distraction!
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