12/20/09 08:38 pm
Merlin, I'm stupid. Why can't I just--get over this--I don't want to be in this house anymore, I need to just get out and not think for a while and--I want to kill them all. Just--all of them. Fucking Death Eaters. If it weren't for them and--he would still be alive. He would still be here. And I wouldn't have to sit here and wonder and think and--and now Peter won't stop kicking and it's driving me mad and it's just not fair
I can only imagine the volume of paperwork that is awaiting my return to the office tomorrow morning. Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words. It has and will continue to help with the healing process.
[Hexed to Close Friends of the Conway Family] If you'd like to join us, Brad and I are hosting a small get together. Close friends of Da...meaning the majority of the Auror department. Not so much a funeral service, just...honoring his memory. Sharing stories. That sort of thing.