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Maddox Dodderidge ([info]madducks) wrote,
@ 2008-07-13 01:17:00

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God damn it...

Yeah, that just about covers it.

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2008-07-14 02:58 am UTC (link)
Will do.

Boo. Well, more for everyone else, then!

[Maddox] Did you ever get more out of Miranda? Not that...well, okay I am curious. Worried...and curious. [/Maddox]

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2008-07-14 03:22 am UTC (link)

Those poore people...

[Moses] I brought it up, yeah. She says that she chose to not go to the try out because she wouldn't have time for her family if she made it onto the team. I made it clear that unless she was making the decision for her, than we wouldn't understand it, and that she was making a huge mistake. She told me that she didn't want to play, and I quote, "not one itty bitty tiny bit".

So, that's it. I'm not going to force her into doing something she doesn't want to do, even if it does have something to do with Ralph. We can't exactly force them to break up so that she'll be miserable for the rest of her life doing something she doesn't want to do, so. She's not going to play Quidditch.

For once in her life, she seems to know what she wants.


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