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Maddox Dodderidge ([info]madducks) wrote,
I just want to know that you're making this decision for you, and not for anyone else. You know that everyone, including Ralph, just wants you to do what will make you happy and if that means you'll become a big Quidditch star and not spend as much time with us, than fine! We'll understand because you'll be doing what you want to do, and we'll be happy for you, and you'll be happy, and damn it everyone will just be happy! But if you're not doing this for us, than you're making a huge mistake. Just...tell me that you don't want this at all. That you don't want it because you don't want it, because you won't enjoy playing professional Quidditch.

Someone was walking thier pitbull down Diagon. The worst part is it was named 'Sprinkles'. Just...made things so much better, hearing this lady yell "SPRINKLES, STOP!" as it nearly bit off my leg and made me spill my coffee on my shirt.

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