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Maddox Dodderidge ([info]madducks) wrote,
@ 2008-04-08 00:25:00

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Current mood: drained


I don't know if anyone has kept you updated, and I aplogise if they haven't. Things have just been...crazy.

She's not getting better. But that doesn't mean she's getting any worse, she's just...the same. Which is bad. They don't know how to bring down her fever, but they've been doing everything they can to try. We've been in to see her as much as we can, but the only person she really wants to see most of the time is you.

We thought this would have been over by now. We thought this was just a bug, and that it would pass, but it's bigger than that.

So, with that being said, I'm coming to Hogwarts to bring you back to Mungo's. She needs you right now. I've spoken with Dumbledore, and he understands.

I'll be there in the morning to pick you up. Get everything ready by 9:00, alright?

I'm sorry again if no one's kept you informed.


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2008-04-09 02:25 am UTC (link)
You mean tomorrow tomorrow?

She's--- what do you mean she's not--- but if nothing's changing then why is that bad? Does she have that---

Oh shit, Grease! But--- Miranda and it's thursday and--

I'll just

I---- okay. I'll be ready.

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