mackenzie elizabeth goldsteinage: 25 [december 18, 1958]
heritage: pureblood
year/house: 1977 alumna/slytherin
prefect: 5th - 7th [head girl]
wand: elder, 10”, strict, hippogriff talon
wand hand: right
occupation: healer
political alliance: order of the phoenix
mother: lisette
father: alexander
sibling: christopher related: daniella montague,
juliana travers, louisa wilkes [d. 4-30-79],
amery wilkes [b. 12-31-80] &
grayson wilkes [cousins]
signficant other: sebastian goldsteinchild: anthony [b. 4-4-1980], elijah [a. 6-1-1981] & ophelia [9-18-1983]
pet: bird [morpheus], dog [babar]
height: 5’8”
defining marks: pale skin, smile, wide eyes
disabilities: none
appearance:home: dumfries, scotland
birthplace: london, england
first sign of magic: cleaned an entire dinner table
patronus: mandarin duck
boggart: family dying
first impression: "she's so nice for a slytherin."
in depth: pet peeve: improperness, nicknames
personal history: ever the perfect slytherin princess,
Yes, Virginia, Sagittarians can get sorted into House Slytherin. And not always as Quidditch players, either, although there have been jokes made about how the Hat will sort big, tall Sags into Slytherin just to pad out the team. Slytherin Sagittarians are sorted primarily because of their ability to dream; these Sags have a vision, and with the support of their House, can channel their energies to great achievements. In return they give their House something priceless beyond rubies: a sense of perspective. Temporary failure is not humiliating to the Sagittarius Slytherin, merely a temporary setback in pursuit of a goal. They can laugh at themselves even when other people are laughing at them, and of course that turns the joke on the idiots who came up with it in the first place. (How devious.) Although bright, these Slytherins will coast through their classes if they can get away with it; they'd rather envision the future than attend to the details of the present.
pb: anne hathaway
lyrics: saltwater room ; owl city