Layla Hall // Hawkgirl's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Layla Hall // Hawkgirl

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It's the Virgin Islands, not the North Pole! Island meme, for Saishu [29 Jan 2013|10:37am]
Saishu had told Layla she'd never been to the beach before. So, Layla decided to fix this. She'd booked a nice room for them for the weekend in the Virgin Islands. It was a really nice resort, right on the beach and everything.

Layla had been showing Saishu the fine art of sandcastle building, when the temperature dropped suddenly. Layla shivered.

And then, out of nowhere, it was snowing. In the Virgin Islands.

"...This really isn't normal," Layla said. "It never snows here. Like, at all."

[ viewing | January 29th, 2013 ]
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