Layla Hall // Hawkgirl's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Layla Hall // Hawkgirl

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App for [info]dc_nextgen [13 Sep 2012|10:09pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
AIM (if you have one): msalliepants
Character Name: Layla Hall
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]macemeetface
Physical description (face, build, weight):5’10, 120 lbs, red hair, green eyes.
Age: 23
Birthday: August 3rd, 1989
Codename: Hawkgirl
PB: Rachel Nichols
Abilities: Layla does not possess any metahuman abilities or powers of any kind.

Artificial Feathered Wings: Flight through the use of Nth Metal wings; also direction controlled self-powered flight. Her wings allow her to control navigation and guidance during flight, though they can be "flapped" through use of shoulder motions.

Nth Metal Belt & Boots: Hawkgirl flies by way of an anti-gravity Belt & boots constructed from Nth Metal its abilities are controlled mentally.

Layla also carries a mace which she uses in combat. Layla has been trained extensively in combat by both her father and Ted Grant.
Weaknesses and flaws: Baseline human.
Character location/Home: St. Roch/JSA Brownstone.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: JSA.
Relatives (living/dead?): Carter Hall (father, living), Shiera Hall (mother, deceased)
Backstory: In one of those periods where they were both alive at the same time, Carter and Shiera had a daughter, who they named Layla. Layla was raised, partially in St. Roch, partially in New York at the JSA Brownstone. When Layla was four, Shiera was killed by Hath-Set, leaving Carter to raise Layla alone. As a result, Carter became extremely protective of his daughter.

When Layla was sixteen, she went to Carter to ask him to start training to pick up the mantle of Hawkgirl. While Carter was reluctant at first, he eventually gave in to training Layla. Layla mostly stuck to heroing in her hometown of St.Roch, while occasionally assiting the JSA.

Recently, Lalya has returned to the United States from an archeology dig in Egypt. She plans on joining the JSA.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Coming from Egypt to join the JSA.
What are you planning to do with this character?: JSA plots.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: JSA plots. Would like to do some Hawk-related plots.

At Grant's Gym [13 Sep 2012|11:01pm]
The flight back from Egypt had been extremely tiring. And while Layla really did just want to head to the Brownstone to see if she could crash for the night before going back home to St.Roch, there was one quick stop that she just had to make first.

Hopefully, either Uncle Ted or Cat would be around. Layla opened the door to Grant's Gym, suitcase in tow behind her, bag with her costume and mace thrown over her shoulder.

"Anyone home?" She called. "Uncle Ted? Cat?"

[ viewing | September 13th, 2012 ]
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