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Layla Hall // Hawkgirl ([info]macemeetface) wrote,
@ 2013-05-13 23:33:00

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Pregnancy meme for Dex
To say that Layla was cranky was an understatement. She was two weeks past her due date, and she was beyond irritable. She was tired, hot, and moody all at the same time. She felt disgusting. As much as she was looking forward to meeting her daughter, she wanted her to stop taking her sweet damn time and get the hell out of her. Layla didn't want to be sharing her body with another human being anymore.

She had to give Dex credit, though. He was doing surprisingly well, considering how much of a bitch she was being right now.

Layla shifted in bed. She wanted nothing more than to sleep, but she was uncomfortable.

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2013-05-14 12:36 pm UTC (link)
Her shifting woke him up and he rolled over to face her. "Anything I can do to help?" he offered. He had learned quickly that asking what was wrong or if something was bothering her were NOT the right things to do. Asking to help wasn't too much better, but it was less likely to get him yelled at, or punched.

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