1. Fate would have it that Molly's world needed fixing once again, and she found herself on the Exiles.
2. Sarah was overjoyed to see Molly, and kissed her fully on the lips in front of everyone. After their mission was over, they found sometime to be alone, kissing, cuddling, and catching up on each other's lives. While Sarah had hoped that Molly might have moved on, she was relieved that was still in as in love with her as she had been a year ago.
3. While Molly missed her home and friends, she had Sarah there with her, and it was all that mattered. And Sarah was glad she had Molly with her through it all.
4. They went through many teammates, and made and lost many friends along the way, but they always had each other, no matter what.
5. Eventually, they were allowed to retire and go home. Sarah chose to return to Molly's world, where they settled down and married, and decided to raise a family. They spent the rest of their lives together, happy and just as in love as they were when they first found it all those years ago.
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