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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington ([info]lytaworthington) wrote,
Re: Val/Cassidy: Part 2
Though they spent a short while together, as Cassidy showed her the way to Professor Xavier's office, Val really enjoyed the time she spent with Cassidy, and found herself asking him out for coffee that same day.

Coffee led to a dinner date, which led to the movies, and Cassidy and Valeria spent themselves spending more and more time together. Eventually, they started dating steadily.

Cassidy found himself falling for Val a little more each day. He began to think seriously about wanting to spend the rest of his life with her.

But there were some things she didn't know about him.

So one night, Cassidy took Valeria out to a remote lake in the woods. There he told her everything. About Doctor Millbury and the lab. About Fargo. Jake.

After he was finished, he waited for her to tell him that she never wanted to see him again, that she was disgusted with him.

But to his surprise, she simply leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Everyone does things they aren't proud of Cassidy," she said. "I know that you aren't a horrible person, and that in your heart, if you could go back and change time so it never happened, you would. I love you for you are, and your mistakes aren't going to change that."

That was all Cassidy needed to here. He proposed two days later.

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