Luna/Eli: Part 1
For Luna, the best part of being an Avenger, even if she was only a reservist, was being able to take advantage of the library.
Yes, she knew that she worked at a library already. But it didn't matter where she was. If she was surrounded books, Luna could be there for hours, and not even notice time passing by.
She was flipping through some old volumes on Wakandan history when she heard the voice of a small child say "Hello!"
Luna turned her head around to see a little girl, about three years old, with dark brown hair and brown eyes standing next to her, a smile on her face.
Luna smiled at her. She knew that a couple of the Avengers had children, though she hadn't seen this one around before. "Why hello there," she said. A playful smile crossed her face. "Are you an Avenger, too?"
The little girl grinned, honored that Luna would make such an assessment of her. "Not yet!" She exclaimed. "My Daddy says I'm too little to be an Avenger, but someday, I will be. Just like my Daddy and my Aunties!"
Luna smiled. "Does your Daddy know your here right now?"
She shook her head. "No. But he'll find me. He knows I like to go 'sporlin'."
Luna always loved being around children. They always had the most pleasant auras. "Would you like me to read to you while you wait for your Daddy to find you?"
The little girl's face lit up. "You would? I love it when Daddy tells me stories!"
Luna smiled, finding a book of children's fairytales. She took the little girl's hand and walked her over to one of the couches.
They were halfway through Cinderella when a man's voice rang throughout the library.
"Veronica? Where have you run off to, my Little Goddess?"
Veronica, who had been so engulfed in Luna's reading to her, perked her head up. "Hi, Daddy!" She said, scrambling off the sofa to run into his arms.
"Veronica, you weren't giving this nice lady any trouble now, were you?"
Luna smiled, closing the book, getting off the couch. "She was a perfect angel," she said with a smile, walking over to her. "We were just enjoying a story, weren't we, Veronica."
Veronica nodded. "This is..." she furrowed her brow. She never did get the nice lady's name.
Luna smiled. "I'm Luna," she said, extending a hand to Veronica's father. "Luna Maximoff."
"Miss Maximoff," he said, taking her hand held out to him. "I am Eli Paravich, the father of this beautiful little girl."
"It's nice to meet you, Eli," Luna said.
"Daddy...can Luna finish reading to me? We were getting to the good part!"
Eli laughed, letting the squirming girl out of his arms. "Of course. If it is alright with Miss Maximoff."
Luna smiled. "It is perfectly alright with me," she said. "And please, Eli, call me Luna."
Veronica took Luna's hand, nearly pulling her back over to the couch. Eli merely just stood in the doorway, watching the way that his daughter seemed to be completely enchanted by the blond woman reading to her, and how attentive she was to Veronica, even though she'd just met her not even an hour ago.
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