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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington

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RP Challenge! [24 Jun 2011|01:59am]
The rules:
1. Truth or Dare: Post a scene idea as a dare. It can be in-canon, or it can be AU. You can challenge any of mine with any of yours. I can take the dare, or turn it down, by offering an honest in character answer to any question you want to ask. If I take the dare, you can set up the scene and we'll play through it.

2. Putting the 'R' in RP: So most of the time, rp comes down to casual social or big mod-run plots. This is neither, so let's spice it up. Your dare-scene challenge must involve either A. gratuitous violence, B. gratuitous nudity (I'm willing to play out sex scenes if they make sense, or hint at them) C. gratuitous crack. - because these aren't going through moderation, they can't really change anything, no new powers, no big item acquisitions, but gratuitous hero battles or villain of the week-ish stuff should be ok. Multiple choices from A, B and C are also possible.

3. Pay it Forward: As usual, if you take this challenge and post a scene idea, you also need to put this up in one of your journals, and offer some or all of yours up for scene challenges. Now the tricky part - if I take a dare, I will temp at least one of the npcs needed, if any are. I will not require you to NPC for me, no. Instead, you must temp at least one npc in any dares you take.
And, why yes, this is an effort to get people to temp occasional npcs for others in order to encourage rp. You have an easy out in any scenes you're truly not comfortable with - you can always take 'truth', and I may, not every scene will fit my characters or my fancy... but the idea is still to encourage rp, get people doing scenes and playing with characters, whether AU or our canon, and doing the little things to help get scenes going.

My characters up for this:

Mia Dearden/Red Arrow
Iris West/Kid Flash
Terry McGinnis/Batman
Hope Free
Mickey Rayner/Onyx
Lian Harper/Jade Arrow
Morgaine King
Mar'i Grayson/Nightstar
Rose Ellington
Sindella Zatara
Rose Wilson/Ravager
Lily Troy/Troia
Chrissy Jordan/Star Sapphire
Molly Hayes/Brusier
Valeria Richards
Lyta Worthington
Charlie Rogers/Lt. America
Grace Danvers/Ms. Marvel
Ellie Rasputin
May Parker/Spider-Girl
Alice Dugan
Tamara Blaire
Luna Maximoff
Izzy Starsmore/Energizer
Jessica Hellstrom
Anfrior Alstridsdottir
Becky Ross-Banner
Danielle Cage
Donna Harper
Suzie Rogers
Sam Dugan-Childress
Brian Braddock
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Look! It's another meme! [05 May 2011|10:39pm]
List one of your characters, and one of mine, and pick either:

2)Their first date.
4)Their first time.
5)AU/Possible children(please pick either or as I won't do both)

And I'll list 5 facts about any of them.
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Yay, it's a meme! [27 Oct 2010|05:21pm]
For this meme, choose one character of yours and one character of mine-- and then I will write out how they hook up, settle into a long term relationship and/or marriage, and describe their firstborn child/children, if any. Crack pairings and old characters are acceptable.
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Meme [25 Jul 2010|11:13pm]
Meme under the cut )
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After all is said and done.... [11 Jul 2010|10:24pm]
(takes place after the Champions plus Misha rescue the kids)

Lyta waited outside the Champions headquarters for Misha to return. After what had gone down when they were rescuing the kids, yes she'd admit that she was a bit worried about him. Then again, she hadn't known that Irina's father that had been the man, nor did she know that he was responsible for kidnapping and experimenting on the children. While every fiber of her being had wanted Misha to end Alexi right there and then...but the fact that he was Irina's father and her blood that stopped her.

Still, she could tell from the look in Misha's eyes that he was upset, enraged even. She couldn't just go to sleep.

And so, she waited, leaning against the wall, sipping on a hot cup of tea that she'd made.
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Prompts! [25 Jun 2010|10:31pm]
Cut to save f-list death )
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Head's up! [15 May 2010|11:15pm]
Okay...getting it out there just so people know, I will be out of town from May 23rd to the 30th, as I am going to Spain and Portugal with my choir, on a tour. I will not be taking the laptop with me, so I will not be getting to pings and the such while I'm away. I'll try to push through stuff this week (even though I'm getting my brain back together from finals and getting over a cold, so I apologize in advance for slowness), as I know that a couple of my characters are involved in a couple of plots. Charlie, in 12-Step, will be a little tricky, as I know that me not being around to play him will stall the plot a little, so I understand if people want to wrap up step one/start the next one and want to just have him as just being there, helping out, but not really in the thick of things.

I will be sure to take lots of pictures!

- Allie
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Random Character Thoughts. [10 Mar 2010|03:04pm]
I totally ripped this idea of Dylan. After seeing his, it seemed like a pretty good idea to do something similar with mine. So thank you Dylan, for giving me this idea. :)
Cut to save massive f-list death )
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RP Meme [23 Jan 2010|11:21pm]
Cut to save f-lists )
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Christmas list [24 Dec 2009|10:50pm]
Dad- Basket of goodies, gift cert for dinner for two at the Rainbow Room.
Mom- Basket of goodies, a voucher for a weekend filled with a trip to the spa, a shopping spree, a trip to the movies, and lunch and dinner provided.
Gabriel- Basket of goodies, gift-cert for two to the movies and popcorn
Misha- Basket of goodies, socks, promise for breakfast in bed for a week, no griping or betting on pool games required.
Joe- Basket of goodies, tool set.
Cait- Basket of goodies, sweater.
Rachel- Basket of goodies, dress.
Sylvie- Basket of goodies, necklace.
Leech- Basket of goodies, gif-card to Barnes and Noble
For the X-Men and Xavier's Staff- Basket of goodies.

Basket of goodies contains homemade fudge, cookies, brownies, gingerbread, and an apple tart.
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Christmas meme [20 Dec 2009|02:54pm]
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Egg Nog.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
He sits them under the tree.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White. It's classic.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No. The boys do, though. Lots of it. I've developed a pattern of dodging around it over the years.
5. When do you put your decorations up?
Whenever we decide it's time to decorate the mansion
6. What is your favorite holiday dish?
Aunt Jean makes these really GOOD sweet potatoes.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
Uncle Hank dressing up as Santa and coming in with a huge bag of presents for us kids Christmas morning.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
My mom told me when I was nine. She felt that I was too old to believe in Santa. She still leaves me presents under the tree labled "From Santa", though.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Mom and I always exchange presents then.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
I like to keep things organized. Though that doesn't really some people tend to get carried away when it comes to stringing up tinsel.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
A little bit of both. It's nice to watch it fall, not so nice when you can't go out and fly in it.
12. Can you ice skate?
Kind of. I normally need to hold onto someone for support, though.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Mom bought me this charm bracelt when I was ten. She buys me a new one every year.
14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
I love spending time with my parents. The three of us try to get together for lunch or dinner either on Christmas Eve or Day.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Gingerbread. I bite the heads of first.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I love singing along to Christmas music on the radio...even though Misha and Joe do a pretty damn good job of telling me I'm off-key.
17. What tops your tree?
Normally a star. Or whatever we can find.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
19. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum?
Yum. Especially dipped in hot chocolate. They're yuck when someone sticks them in your hair though.
20. Favorite Christmas Show?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas-animated, of course.
21. Saddest Christmas Song?
Blue Christmas
22. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
Carol of the Bells.
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[03 Dec 2009|08:07pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical
Character Name: Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]lytaworthington
Physical description (face, build, weight): Lyta is tall, at 5'8, with a lean, slender, build. She has long, wavy blond hair that falls past her shoulders, blue eyes, and round face with soft cheekbones. Lyta's most prominent feature, though, has to be the pair of angel wings growing out of her back. She hates concealing them, though she will wear a special brace fashioned to keep them bound to her back when she's out in public. Lyta's fashioned most of her clothes to accommodate her wings.
Age: 21
PB: Evan Rachel Wood
Abilities: Lyta's wings, not only to they grant her the ability to fly, but her bone structure is hollowed, like that of a bird's. Lyta possesses telepathic abilities, which gives her the ability to read minds and project her thoughts into the minds of others, among other abilities that she herself has yet to tap into. Lyta also possesses peak human strength, being able to lift up to about five-hundred pounds, superhuman stamina, durability, and a regenerative healing factor. She was also trained in the marital arts and sword-fighting by her mother.
Weaknesses and flaws: If she suffers any critical injuries, such as getting shot directly to an organ, Lyta will not heal as quickly. If her wings are weighted down by too much water, Lyta will be unable fly, or crash to the ground while in flight.
Character location/Home: Xavier's
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero, X-Men
Relatives (living/dead?): Warren Worthington III/Angel (father, living), Betsy Braddock/Psylocke (mother, living).
Backstory: Lyta is the only child of Warren Worthington and Betsy Braddock, the X-Men known as Angel and Psylock. Lyta was the result of a brief reunion that her parents had when they were both the X-Men. When Betsy first found out that she was pregnant, Warren wanted to marry her. Betsy, turned down his offer, as the couple had split at the time. However, as Warren wanted to be involved in his daughter's life, the two shared jointed custody of their daughter, and Lyta was shuttled back and forth between the two, though she spent a large portion of her time with her mother. It was her father that taught her how to fly, and her mother that trained in both her telepathic abilities and the marital arts. When she turned fourteen, Xavier offered Lyta an invitation to attend Xavier's School for the Gifted. Lyta accepted, wanting to hone her abilities, but also wanting to get a chance to have a closer look at the career path that her parents chose. She bonded with the children of other X-Men, as well as new students around her age. When she turned eighteen, Lyta left the mansion to pursue a degree in business management. Recently, having successfully earned her degree, she is coming back to the mansion to do what she loves the most, fighting for the greater good side by side with the X-Men.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Coming back to Xavier's.
What are you planning to do with this character?: I'm planning to have her try and act as a older sister/leader figure to the younger X-Men. Lyta tends to be very aloof and closed-off at times, and I'd like to maybe have her "get over" that aspect of her personality. She still has some growing up to do.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I'd like to see her take a bit of a leadership role in certain situations.

RP Sample:
Lyta soared over the skies of New York City.

This was what she loved. Freedom. Flying. She hated wearing that restraining brace used to conceal her wings. She wished that she didn't have to wear it all the time. She didn't see why she had to "fit in". She never had. As her mother told her, she was born to stand out.

Closing her eyes, Lyta flew across the skyline, taking in the heat coming off from the sunset. Blocking out the thoughts coming down from the city below her. Funny thing about her telepathy, it didn't have an "off" switch sometimes.

Sighing, Lyta touched down on the rooftop of a building, letting the last few rays of sunlight dance on her face.
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